Best Snoggletog Ever

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Summery: WARNING: SPOILERS. Post httyd homecoming. It's Snoggletog Eve and the dragons( Toothless and the Light Fury)have left after coming to get their run away hatchlings. What will Hiccstrid and their children's presents be to each other?


It was Snoggletog Eve for New Berk And everyone was having a great time celebrating. The twins to no ones surprise Lokied poor old Gobber before splitting up, Snotlout was to introduce his youngest son after Hiccup and his family got there, Valka may have been an old woman with a cane but she could beat a bunch of young Vikings at cards, Fishlegs and Ruffnut caught up with Heather and Throk And Eret was helping Gothi navigate around the Great Hall. Gothi knew her time was ending and Eret wanted to be the new healer.

" Presenting the Chief, Chieftess And their family!" Announced Horak.

Once Astrid and their kids were seated Hiccup started his speech. " Happy Snoggletog New Berk! It has been another great year and I can't wait to see what next year brings! Tonight we honor Gothi for all she has done for us over the years. She has been Berk's healer since my own grandparents! So tonight I say Gothi, thank you for everything from your stubbornness, your wit, and your talent as a healer. I gift you 20,000 pounds for being the best healer ever." Hiccup said. Gothi was in happy tears. Eret helped her get her gift.

" Wait we're getting paid?" Said a random Viking. " Yes you idiot!" Another said slapping the back of his friends head.

" Let the feast begin!" Hiccup announced. Everyone cheered.

" Cousin, may I introduce to you my youngest son, Weslout." Snotlout said.

" A pleasure to meet you Weslout." Hiccup said kindly. " Thank You Chief." Weslout bowed.

Later in the night it was time to exchange gifts. The Chief And his family always went first and once the kids opened their gifts ( Zephyr got a new dress and Nuffink got a rocking dragon that looks like one of toothless' kids aka a rocking horse) it was time for Hiccup and Astrid to exchange gifts.

" Milady, at first I didn't know what to get you until I came across the perfect gift." He said handing her a box. She opened it to find a deed to an empty island. " YOU BOUGHT ME AN ISLAND?!" She exclaimed. He just smirked in response.

" I don't know if my gift can compare to yours." She said quickly. " Try. I'll love anything you give me." He said.

Astrid turned to the audience. " Years ago a special painting was made but was lost to time 9 years ago." paused. Hiccup being oblivious asked" What are you getting at Milady?"

She turned to him as he opened her gifts. He gasped. It was the painting of him and his father when he was 15. He was silent for a moment before picking her up and spinning her around. " This is wonderful!" He exclaimed.

Yes, this was definitely the best Snoggletog ever.