Royal Babies

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Summery: The 2 times Hiccstrid introduced Zephyr and Nuffink to the village. Just a cute short one shot.

Note: No part 2 will be coming out ever of Queen of Mean. Unless of course one of you has any ideas for it.


It was a beautiful day on New Berk and everyone was minding their own business when Valka screamed through the village " It's a girl!" Everyone stopped and stared then they cheered. When Valka stopped at the forge she went inside to find Gobber. " Gobber, where are ye?" She asked. " Back here Val!" He called from his ' office'.

" There's something I need to discuss with ye Gobber." She said. " I didn't do anything this time!" He cried. " I wasn't accusing ye of anything! Just listen!" She said. " I have a granddaughter but she needs a grandfather as well. You are Hiccups Godfather and I think Stoick would agree with me, I want ye to be my granddaughters, grandfather in place of Stoick." She told him. " Val, it would be my biggest honor!" He said tearing up. She gave him a hug. ( no that does not mean they are getting married! Gobber's Gay remember?)

A few days later everyone was in the Great Hall for the celebration of the new Haddock baby. Hiccup and Astrid sat in their thrones, Val sat in a smaller throne to her sons left and Zephyr was in a cradle on Astrid's right. Hiccup stood up and silenced his people while Astrid picked up Zephyr.

" People of New Berk! While I know my daughter will not be Chieftess of New Berk because she's a girl ( Thats the law) I still love her anyway, Allow me to introduce for the first time, my daughter Zephyr Haddock!" He exclaimed. The village cheered at the sight of Astrid holding Zephyr. " This is a new beginning for you, for me, and for New Berk!" Astrid said to Hiccup. Cue more cheering.

A few years later......

Everyone was in the Great Hall for the celebration of the new Haddock baby. Hiccup and Astrid sat in their thrones, Val sat in a smaller throne to her sons left, Zephyr was in a tiny throne next to Valka on her left and Nuffink was in his cradle on Astrid's right. Hiccup stood up and silenced his people while Astrid picked up Nuffink.

" When I was 18 years old I thought I was happiest when Astrid and I started our courtship, I thought I was happiest when she agreed to marry me, I thought I was happiest when we got married, I thought I was happiest when she gave me Zephyr, but today I now know I feel happiest having my mother, Gobber, Astrid and my two children in my life and though my father and Toothless are gone, I no longer feel empty like I was when my father died and Toothless left. Today my people I give you Nuffink Haddock!" He said to his people.

Everyone cheered and Astrid brought Nuffink in visible sight. " One day he will be Chief!" She said. More cheering started. Hiccup then silenced the village again. "We would also like to announce that in 1 week, the King and Queen of the Defenders of the wing and of the Berserkers are going to be here for the betrothal between my daughter Zephyr and their son. They shall marry when they are 18 years old. " Hiccup announced. Cue more cheering.

All was perfect in Hiccup's life despite his father and best friend gone but he wouldn't trade his family for anything.

The End.