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Summery: Hiccstrid's wedding has arrived! After 2 years of being betrothed they are finally getting married!

Story requested by @rosehaddock

Set one year after httyd2


The day of the wedding of Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Miss Astrid Hofferson finally arrived. The Bride and Groom were at their respective homes getting ready. The villagers were gathering in the Cove. Traditionally the wedding would be held in the Great Hall but they wanted to wed in the Cove where she kissed his cheek for the first time. Meanwhile the Dowager Chieftess Valka Haddock and Madam Daenary Hofferson( Yes DAENARY LIKE FROM GOT) were getting Astrid prepared. Valka was going her hair and Astrids mother was helping with the dress. Gobber was over at the Haddock house helping Hiccup get ready since his father couldn't.

Hiccup couldn't believe he was marrying the love of his life today. How had he gotten so lucky as to be with her? He didn't know and didn't care. All he cared was that this was now and nothing could change that. " Snotlout?!" Hiccup called out to his cousin who was also helping out. " Yes, Chief?" Hiccup mildly winced at that. He then handed Snotlout a box. " I want you to go over to Astrids and give this to her and tell her this is my wedding present to her and that think of this as small token of my love for her."he said kinda smirking. Snotlout nodded and scurried off.

At Astrids house Valka was showing Astrid and her mother a dress Valka made for Astrid. " .... and this is of course very fitting of your style." Valka explained. " I love it!" Astrid said. " Congratulations Valka you got her to like something other then Hiccup, axes, and dragons." Daenary said. " Why thank you." Valka replied.

The dress Valka made

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Just then Snotlout knocked on the door. A few minutes later Valka had brought him upstairs. " Astrid, I have come to present a gift from Hiccup. It's a small token of his love for you." He said as he handed her the box. She opened it and gasped. " It's beautiful!" Astrid exclaimed. The necklace was so beautiful and it looks like Hiccup made it himself." As much as I hate to disrupt we have an hour to get ready!" Daenary said.

An hour later saw Hiccup at the alter in the Cove. Since he was Chief but was getting married Spitelout was doing the ceremony. Soon the musician Vikings played the music. Magnus that little girl Gobber named, was the flower girl, Gustav was the ring bearer, Heather and Tuffnut went down the asile, then Ruffnut and Fishlegs, then Snotlout and Hiccup's old friend, Camicazi came down the aisle. Lastly came Astrid and her father. When Hiccup saw her his jaw dropped. His bride was like a goddess!

Once they reached the alter her father handed her to Hiccup. Everyone then sat down and the ceremony started.

They couldn't remember much of the Ceremony or Astrid's ' Crowning' as Chieftess of Berk or the reception but they didn't mind. All that mattered was they were together forever.