Mi Amour Wing Alternate Ending V2

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Summery: After their fight, Astrid flies off to Berserker island to stay with Heather. As the days pass Hiccup realizes he needs her and can't stand being apart from her. How will he win the love of his life back?

Ps I'm so sorry that I do these stories too often. I don't know why.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HTTYD!!! Or Astrids night gown.

The pic at the top is Astrid's night gown at Heathers.

" We've known each other our whole lives Hiccup and I've never felt further away from you." Astrid said sadly. She jumped on stormfly and flew off and all she could hear was Hiccup's cries of " Astrid!"

Astrid didn't know where she was going she just needed to get out of there and away from him. She let Stormfly lead the way to wherever Stormfly wanted to go. She ended up on Berserker island in front of Heathers house. When Heather opened the door and saw Astrid's tear-Stained face she let Astrid inside. " What happened Astrid?!" Heather asked frantically. So Astrid told Heather what happened. Heather was shocked and pitied her best friend. " You can stay as long as you need." She said.

Back on the Edge, Hiccup couldn't stop thinking about Astrid. He mentally kicked and yelled at himself. How could he be so stupid?! Why didn't he see she was upset beforehand?! It had been 3 days since Astrid flew to who knows where and it was killing him without her by his side. He felt like his heart had been ripped out. While Hiccup sulked at his desk, Dagur burst through his door with a note. " Brother! There's a note from my sister about Astrid!" Dagur yelled. That got Hiccup's attention. He ran downstairs as fast as he could and ripped the note out of Dagur's hands.

It read:

Dear Hiccup,

I have your precious Lady, You can imagine how shocked I was to find her at my doorstep crying. She hasn't come out of her room in days. Can't stay I blame her. If I had a betrothed and my betrothed ignored me for weeks I'd be hiding in my room too. If you want her. Come and get her!


" Is she crazy?!" Hiccup ranted. " Well she is my sister." Dagur commented. " That is true." Hiccup said. " I think she's been hanging out with you too much." Hiccup said. " Yeah I know." Dagur replied. " So what are you gonna do?" Dagur asked. " I'm gonna go after the love of my life. Dagur you're in charge till I get back with Astrid." Hiccup said." I won't let you down brother!" Dagur saluted.

Astrid sat at the vanity in the guest room and looked at herself. She cleaned herself up after realizing how bad she looked after crying so much and put on a new night gown and a head band on after brushing her hair.When she came out fresh and clean she heard Heather lock the guest room. " Heather what are you doing?!" Astrid asked. Heather replied from behind the door," I'm doing this for you Astrid." Astrid tried to get the door open but it wasn't working. " Just trust me Astrid, before you know it you'll be back in Hiccup's arms." Heather said cryptically. She then started laughing maniacally leaving Astrid stunned and confused. Astrid ran to the window to escape but huge vines surrounded Heather's house.

When Hiccup got to Berserker Island he searched around Heathers House. He finally saw Astrid looking out the window. "Oh be some other name which we call a rose any other name would smell as sweet so if he were if he not just Hiccup retain that dear perfection which he owes without his title. Take all myself!" She said. " I take you for your word!" He replied. She gasped startled by his appearance. "Hiccup... You found me!"Astrid breathed as Hiccup jumped through the window. With that said he rushed to her and grabbed hold of her hand.

"Milady did you ever doubt I would?." He said as he kissed her hand. " Please forgive me for the way I acted. These last few days have been nothing but torture without you by my side." He confessed deeply. " I forgive you." She said. "When I heard you were missing I started searching everywhere for you My lady. " he whispered in her ear, moved a sleeve off her shoulder and kissed it. " I love you Astrid Hofferson." He murmured.

She gasped. " Don't play jokes with me Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third!" She said. " Who says I'm joking?" He asked huskily. She shivered.Without warning Hiccup kissed her. It was different then normal. This time instead of being sweet and gentle it was rough and had love, longing, lust, etc in it. Pouring every emotion he had for her into the kiss. They had to eventually breathe. He was intoxicated by her. She calmed down but he kept trying to kiss her again and she gently tried to get him to stop.

" Hiccup please calm down." She pleaded. He spent at least 10 minutes trying to calm down. When he did though he kissed her hand and said" Please come back to the edge."

" You didn't even need to ask." Astrid said.

The End


AN: You may have noticed that I included a bunch of stuff from my other oneshots. Well I thought why not include some of my oneshots in this so I did. I hope you enjoyed and the final chapter will be up next week so stay tuned for that.