Hidden World Part 2

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Summery: A few years time skip. Toothless and Selene become parents!

( Cameron's memorial was today! His co stars of Jessie and Descendants showed up.😭😭😭😭😭)

Anyway on with the chapter.....


4 years later( On Berk Zephyr is 3 almost 4 and Astrid is pregnant with Nuffink)

Toothless was nervous. Selene was having their hatchlings anytime now and he was being held back by all his male dragon friends. Stormfly, Meatlug, and Windshear were with Selene. Cloudjumper, Hookfang, Barf and belch, Skullcrusher and Garf ( Astrid and Stormfly: GARF!! * glomps*)were holding Toothless back. " Hard to believe five years ago you were running under my tail like a hatchling at Mine and Val's Sanctuary as well as flinging the baby dragons off your tail now you're having hatchlings of your own." Cloudjumper remembered. Many hours later Windshear came outside from the Alpha and his mates cave. " Alpha, you have a girl and two boys." Windshear said. " Really?!" Toothless asked excitedly. Toothless ran inside and saw Selene laying down with the triplets laying against her.

" What will we name them?" Selene asked." The girl shall be Dawn as she is as light as the morning sky, the first boy shall be Midnight as he is as dark as the night sky, and the other boy-" Toothless stopped noticed his other son was very small. It brought back a memory for him.

Flash back time!

Laying on the cold ground. His tail in agony. Waiting for this human to kill him. But the human is cutting the ropes?! He's free? How dare you try to kill me! The night Fury thought. He stopped and stared at the human. Green eyes like his? The human freed him now he will free the human. He looked as frightened as the night Fury was. To the night Fury he looked at the human and saw himself.

Flashback over:

" His name shall be Hiccup for the runt is always called Hiccup," Toothless said. " I like those names." Selene smiled. "Get some rest darling it's been a long day for you." He said to his mate. Meanwhile Stormfly was chatting with Windshear about the new hatchlings when suddenly a vision came to her. " Stormfly! What's wrong?!" Windshear panicked. Garf immediately ran over to the two girls.

Stormfly's vision:

Ruffnut came out of the room at that moment." You have a healthy baby boy, Chief." She said. " I have a son?!" He asked excitedly. He ran into the room To see his wife holding their son. Their son had his mothers hair and his fathers eyes."Hiccup, come meet our son." She said. " What will we name him?" He asked. " I was thinking Nuffink?" She suggested. " I like that. Welcome to the world Nuffink Haddock." He said.

Astrid at this point couldn't stay awake. " Astrid? Astrid!" Hiccup cried. " Mom what's happening?!" He asked. "'Child bed fever..." Valka breathed. Hiccup's eyes widened. He handed his son to his mother and then ordered " Everyone out!" Not wanting to disobey the chief they left. He knelt down next to her and stayed with her for hours before begging the gods and Astrid.

" Astrid, milady, please wake up I need you our children need you. I love you so much please wake up." He pleaded with her then prayed to the gods. " Please don't take her from me. I need my wife." He begged.

Vision over:

" Astrid!" Stormfly snapped out of it." Woah what about Astrid?" Garf asked. " Something's wrong! I have to see her!" Stormfly was absolutely frantic. " You know we can't! She's got the other humans with her. She will be just fine." Windshear tried to console Stormfly.

A few months later.....

Midnight, Dawn and Hic were looking at the sunset from a small cave when their father came to them to get them home for bed time. " It's time for bed all of you now!" Toothless said. " But daddy! We aren't tired!" Dawn argued. " If I tell you a story will you go to sleep?" Toothless asked. They nodded excitedly as he sighed.

" There were humans when I was only 15 Winters old......"

To be continued.....