Chapter 4

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Oh boy, another chapter in one day!! My sincerest apologies chapter three wasn't up yesterday. I am making up for it. Here you go guys!! -S

     Angelica's POV

     I sadly dragged Eliza and Peggy to our dorm. My head was just barely clear enough to remember the number of it. But I did remeber what happened just a few minutes earlier. And I was not happy about it. 

*Flashback because why not?*

     Alex turned to see Laf dragging Herc out of the bar. I had prepared to confess my feelings to Alex when we got back to campus. When Alex turned back around to help John, his face was extremely close to Alex's. Then he kissed him full on the lips. I expected Alex to pull away, but instead he kissed back. Eliza was watching too, and she was just as shocked and disappointed. We both began yelling while Peggy tried to shut us up. Alex finally pulled away and hauled John out of the bar. Sadly, we had no choice but to follow wobbly.

*Flashback over*

     Tears started to form in my eyes. I guess Alex wasn't into me after all. I unlocked the door to our dorm and led Peggy and Eliza to their beds. They immediately fell asleep, which is good since classes start tomorrow. And it will be a good day. I sighed and went to bed. There I fell into a depressed sleep.

     John's POV

     I woke up in my bed. How did I get here?  Then the memories of last night came flooding back to me. I slammed my head into my pillow and cursed myself for being so stupid. I lifted my head back up and looked at the time on my phone, which had been put to charge last night a presume. 5:01 am. Checking our schedules, I figured out that Alex doesn't have classes until 10:00 am and mine weren't until 10:30 am. Why am I up so early? I groaned and stretched. I felt surprisingly refreshed considering what time it was, so I probably wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. I looked over at Alex and he was out like a light. I can't believe I actually kissed him. I will regret this forever... I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to fix my hair. Stupid curls... After a few failed attempts, I got my hair into a good ponytail. Sighing, I went into the kitchen and got out some eggs and bread from the fridge. (Just pretend they went to the grocery store in one of the time skips. Ok?) Then, I got out a frying pan and some butter. While I was melting the butter in the pan, I heard Alex stirring in his bed. Wonder if he'd want some food? I put a few slices of bread in the toaster and turned it on. The butter melted completely and I cracked the eggs into the pan and used a spatula to cook them. I added some black pepper and Jamaican style hot sauce.(This is how I cook scrambled eggs.) Once I finished cooking my food, I began to eat. Alex must've fallen asleep again which was good because I didn't really feel like facing him at the moment. As I ate, I pondered everything that happened last night. (John doesn't remember that Alex kissed back. That's why he doesn't want to face Alex. Just clearing that up.) I sighed and cleaned up. The only people I could talk to about this were Herc and Laf. They would probably understand and maybe they would tell me what I should do. I washed the dishes and slipped outside. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and I was to lazy to change.

     I knocked on their door and it was immediately opened. "Hey John. I've been expecting you." Laf said. So I nodded and walked inside. Herc was watching television in their living room. When he saw Laf walk in with me, he turned down the volume slightly.

"Is Alex awake?" Herc asked.

"No, but his classes don't start until 10:00 am and it's only, like 6:00 am. Why?" I said suspiciously. Herc and Laf glanced at each other. They knew something I didn't.

     Lafayette's POV

"We need to talk about you and Alex." I began. John tensed.

"I-i don't really want to talk to him right now..." John mumbled. I gave John "the look" and he sighed in defeat. I handed John a little package that held a brand new phone. 

"It's for Alex." I told him. He looked at me then Herc with a look that said "how did you people get the money for this" "Well, my family is kind of rich. So they sent me here with half of their fortune. This will replace Alex's old phone that probably wouldn't work no matter how much you probed it." I explained. John nodded and took the package carefully out of my hands. 

"What exactly should I tell him?" John asked nervously. Herc and I looked at each other and told John what he would tell us.

"Just speak from your heart John." we both told him. John nodded and headed back to his dorm. 

"Our little innocent turtle boi is growing up so fast." Herc sniffed. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic Herc was being. "How'd you even know he would come here anyway?" Herc asked. I shrugged.

"I can sense these things. After all, I am great with romance since I'm from France, the country of love." I said indignantly. Actually, I'm great with other people's love lives. But not my own, which is why I can't confess to Herc. Herc must've picked up on these vibes because he turned my face toward his.

"Just know that you can be honest with me Laf. I won't judge." He tapped my nose. "And there isn't any need for you to hide your feelings either." Herc said confidently yet sweetly. With that, he went into a small space we had in the dorm which he called his "work place" where he worked on fashion projects and such. He stitched something into a finished jacket on the ground and handed it to me. "Here. I made it for you. I know you wanted one that looked like it back home, so I tried to make it for you." Herc said shyly. I didn't know what to say.

"T-thank you Herc." I said so quietly, I thought he couldn't hear me. "But why?"

"Because you deserve it and, because I love you Laf." Herc murmured. I gaped in shock. I hugged him harder than he could ever hug me. Then I kissed him on his lips. He passionately kissed back. I pulled away after a few more seconds and slipped on the jacket. 

"Thank you again Herc," I said. He nudged me. 

"It was really no big deal." Herc said modestly.

"It is!! And this deserves my homemade breakfast!" I chirped happily. Herc nodded in agreement. Until around 7:00 am, me and Herc just ate and conversed. Thanks for your help John.

Finally done with chapter four guys!! It took awhile, but it's done. John and Alex will be in the next chapter and there may be some drama with the Sisters. Thanks for so many reads!!! It means a lot that you guys enjoy my work. You guys are awesome!! -S

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