Chapter 13

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     Hello again guys! I'm back and I have another chapter for you guys. Thank you so much for over three hundred fifty reads!!! It means a lot to me to see that you guys actually like this. -S

     John's POV

     I finished up the dumb assignment Professor Seabury. Why the heck would I need to know this stuff anyway? I trudged back to the dorms, tired and annoyed from spending such a long time in the library. I do hope Herc and Laf aren't bothering Alex too much...

     Alex's POV

     I was on the floor while Laf was trying to fix my sad excuse for hair. "Where did you learn to make buns!!" Laf had exclaimed. "They're terrible!!" I shrugged. Laf and Herc basically live here since they're always here. Herc was busy watching who knows what. I don't really know any television shows, since I didn't have one back home. Laf made one of the best buns I had ever seen. Wow... I just stared at myself in the mirror. At least I've gotten enough sleep these past nights, even though it seems I'll never get any work done with them hanging around all the time. I eventually gave up on trying to fight for my computer back and started reading the letter Peggy dropped off. I can't believe I haven't read it yet! I skimmed through it to realize it was an apology from Angelica. Her grammar and word choice could use a bit of work. But besides that, I had already forgiven her, for I grew up learning to forgive and forget, no matter what. Besides, I've been through worse. After I finished reading the letter, I grabbed one of my favorite books off of the shelf, 'Eragon'. It's a really interesting and exciting book.(I like this book series. So yeah, look it up if you're interested.) I didn't get very far when John came back. "John, mon ami!"

"Hey Johnny Boy!" exclaimed Herc. I said 'hello' meekly, mostly because I was trying to avoid John. But I can't avoid the truth much longer. Herc pushed Laf back to their dorm, despite Laf's protests. (I'm terrible with romance, in case you haven't noticed, so I've decided to skip the initial confession because I am not great romance. But, if you want me to write a separate section with their confessions, then comment. Thanks.)

     Angelica's POV

"Do you think Alex forgave me?" I asked Eliza hopefully. She shrugged.

"I wouldn't know Angelica, you'll have to ask him yourself." she responded, colder than I expected. I held back a sob. I knew what I did was wrong but, why did my family treat me like this? I sighed and decided I would talk to him later on and ask for myself.

(Time skip a month or two into the school year because this book has already become long enough.)

     Third-Person Omniscient (Omniscient means they know all the characters thoughts and feelings in case you didn't know.)

     In these past few months, John and Alex have started dating, James and Theodosia join the "squad" despite Thomas' and Aaron's objections. Maria joins on the invitation of Peggy. (I will have some fluff and angst in the next chapter, which'll be long to make up for the short chapter.) All is going well until a certain Charles Lee decides to stir up some trouble. Herc quickly put a stop to that. Angelica spoke to Alex and all was forgiven. Eliza is still waiting for the perfect moment to confess to Alex, yet she doesn't know that Alex and John are dating.

     What will come next? You'll have to wait until next chapter to find out. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALMOST FOUR HUNDRED READS!!! YOU GUYS ARE INSANE!!! THAT'S WIZARD!!! (Which is a British term for 'cool'.) Thanks for reading my book!! Also, my apologies for the super short and poorly written chapter. I'll have something better tomorrow. -S

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