Chapter 39

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Alex's POV

     *About a week later*

Classes resumed soon after John's hospitalization, and it became harder to cope with the quiet. There were so many times I wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come. The story seemed to have floated around the school, because now, most everyone would cast us sidelong glances and the occasional sympathetic one. Everything around me just seemed to slow down. Nothing really seemed like reality. I mean sure, I've lost family before and now I've made the mistake of getting close to other people again. Now, they're all the suffering because of me. Currently, I'm sitting in my empty dorm, typing away. I've decided to take online classes until further notice. At least then, I won't have to deal with anyone's sympathy.

     Laf and Herc burst into the dorm more often than usual, probably trying to comfort me. Angelica was hardly around anymore, and when she was, she was usually on the phone, yelling at someone. I made it a habit to visit John daily. I made him a promise that I would take care of him and I plan on keeping it.

"Hey, buddy." A voice said. I quickly shut my laptop and a short, round black-and-white cat was sitting behind it. I lurched backwards, hitting the back of my head on the headboard of the bed. "I think you should go visit Johnny boy. He's missing you."

I stared at the cat as I rubbed the back of my head. "And now, I'm going mad. Talking cats." The cat let out a loud laugh.

     "You aren't mad. I can talk. I just don't unless I really need to get a human's attention. Which, in this case, is you." The cat explained. I stayed quiet, really not knowing what to say. "At least I managed to shut you up, not many can do that. Anyway, you need to see John. Get going, right now. Otherwise, you might miss your chance." With that, it turned away and opened the door before striding out. I'm going mad.

     I decided to listen to the weird cat that was just here, mostly because I was planning on visiting John today anyway. My favorite hoodie was with Peggy, so I only had the old one I brought with me from when I first came here. After putting down my laptop properly and slipping on my shoes, I raced out of the dorm and off campus. Now, I might've taken transport because I'm lazy, but today I decided to run.

It was less than a five-minute run, so I really wasn't tired once I'd gotten there. I went through the door of hospital and holding it open for an older couple who was walking out. I went up to the desk and he handed me a "visitors sticker" and pointed to the double doors on the left. Thanking him, I went through the, putting the sticker in my pocket. I don't like stickers and they most certainly don't like me. After glancing at each of the room numbers, I finally found John's, 182.

     I twiddled my thumbs as I sat in John's room silently contemplating what went wrong. Sighing, I finally decided to talk to him, even though I might be wasting my breath. "J-john, I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I caused you this pain, I'm sorry that I wasn't more vigilant, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you like I promised. I just hope that if, no, when you wake up, you'll be able to forgive me."

     Lafayette's POV

     "'Erc, you cannot keep blaming yourself. It is not your fault, it vous Elizabeth's." I said, patting Herc's back.

"And I'm supposed to be his mum. Now, I'll never see my baby boy again!" Herc sniffed from under his sheets.

"You will see him again. We know John. He vould not give up on us that easily, so we should do the same for him." I assured him. He sniffed again  and didn't reply. I hugged him through the sheets, praying John would be alright.

A New Life (Lams University AU) {COMPLETED} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now