Chapter 16

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     Hello again my fellow readers. My apologies for the short chapter last time. I'll try to make this one longer to make up for it. Thank you guys so much for supporting me and my book!! It really means a lot! -S

     John's POV (Because why not?)

     Alex ended up picking the rest of the books from that "Eragon" series he's reading. They're rather long, but I'm sure it wouldn't take long for him to finish them. I paid and we went back to the dorms. "Y'know John, you really didn't have to do this..." Alex said once we got back.

     "Yes I did. I know you love books but you don't have many and, well, I just wanted to." I replied. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do with all this money and I'm pretty sure it'll be difficult for Alex to juggle and job and school, so, why not give him some cash, just to start him off.  While John was pondering this, Alex was sitting on his bed reading the newly bought books. What would I do with you 'Lex?

     Peggy's POV

     Maybe what I said was a little mean, but could you blame me? I mean, have you been overlooked nearly you entire life? I don't think so. I had nothing else to say to the two of them, so I stormed off to Herc and Laf's dorm, mostly because I really didn't have anywhere else to be at the moment. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened and revealed Laf, who waved and narrowly stopped Herc from bursting out of the room. "Do you know where John and Alex are?" Herc asked worriedly. I shook my head.

"If they went out, they might be back by now. Have you checked their room?" I asked, not to concerned. Herc worries way too much. Herc shook his head and was out of the room in seconds.

"Herc! Don't bother them!!" Laf yelled. Laf ran out after Herc. Snorting with amusement, I followed more slowly. Herc unlocked their room and bolted inside to find Alex reading and John staring off into space. Alex slowly looked up. Normally, he would jump or look startled, but by now, he seems to have gotten used to it.

"WHERE DID YOU GUYS GO!!!!!!!!" Herc screamed. Alex ran a hand through his hair as John told the overprotective tailor where they were that afternoon.

"I told you mon amour, no need to worry about these two." Laf announced and pushed Herc back to their dorm. I didn't really know what I was going to do at this point. I can't go back with my sisters. I followed Laf and Herc. 

"Why don't you hang out with us for now?" Laf asked. "Herc wanted to watch some of the movies in his Disney collection." I nodded. Watching movies seems a whole lot better than staying with my sisters. We settled down and Herc popped in Peter Pan. 

(Time skip brought to you by everyone telling me to take a break and chill)

     I thanked Herc and Laf and headed out. I'll go in there, but I won't speak to either of my sisters. It seemed like a good plan. I quietly opened the door as to not draw attention to my arrival. I didn't see anyone in the main room, so I went to my bedroom. Before arriving there, I heard Eliza and Angelica talking. I couldn't be bothered to listen to what they were saying, so I just went into my room and collapsed on my bed. Tomorrow is a new day.

     Thomas' POV

     James still wasn't back and I had tried to stop myself from worrying to much, but now, it was impossible. I slowly got up and thought of the possible places James might be. He could be with any people from the "squad" or the library. Aaron, who had come back a few hours earlier, piped up, "I think the person you are looking for would probably be in the library, hiding from the world." 

"You think I didn't think of that already!" I snapped. Aaron kept an emotionless expression. 

"Just trying to help Thomas." Aaron shrugged and continued typing on his computer. I sighed and bolted towards the library. Once inside, I scanned every row of books until I found the one that held books dealing with medicines and diseases. James was standing there reading a book on influenza (Also known as the flu.). He looked up and saw me. Then he went right back to reading. 

"Why exactly are you here Jefferson." James asked without looking up. I was personally hurt.

"Are we not even on a first name basis anymore?" I asked sarcastically. James snorted and closed his book.

"Listen Thomas and listen carefully. I have not grievance with Alexander and I don't know why you do. Just because someone is better than you in something does not mean it's the end of the world." James stated as if it were obvious.

"Well it felt like the end of the world to me." I muttered. James laughed at this and dragged me back to the dorms. 

"You will go talk to Alex tomorrow and you two will at least become allies because I am tried of all of this." James said sternly. I sighed. There's no getting out of this.

"Alright." I huffed. "But only because I love you." 

     I have finished the long awaited chapter. Do you guys have any chapter ideas you would like to see in this book? Because I really would like to hear what you guys have to say. I am on Wattpad really often and will reply to all your comments, if I can do it without sounding awkward. Thank you guys so much for reading!!! -S

Comment what your favorite Hamilton character is (From the Musical.). 

Mine is John Laurens.

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