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     Alexander and John both moved in together into a rather large apartment. Alexander got a job, against John's wishes, and John works from home, selling drawings and taking commissions. They are both considering adopting a young kiddo named Philip, but aren't sure about it yet. And, John wants to propose, but isn't quite sure how to go about it yet. 

     Hercules and Lafayette are both currently staying in the apartment next door to Alexander and John's. However, they are planning to go to either Ireland or France, depending on housing prices. Hercules wants to get a puppy, but Lafayette wants a kitten, so they'll have to find a compromise for that. 

     Angelica and Peggy currently live in the same apartment complex as the other members of the squad. They pop in by their apartments frequently, Peggy mostly, just to pester them. Angelica is still looking into Eliza's whereabouts and is determined to find her and solve the police case, along with getting her personal revenge. 

     Eliza is currently working with John Andre to get her own personal revenge on her sisters, along with Alexander, John, Lafayette, and Hercules. She even plans to take care of poor Pidge. She is rather unsure of whether he plan will work, but in the end, she could care less as long as she gets her revenge.

     And Pidge. She went back to doing general dog stuff, trying to act as normal as possible. Peggy and the others haven't forgotten though. Everything that happened that night is engraved into their memory. That is something they won't long forget. 

     Their lives have all changed for the better, or for the worse, but they still have each other, and that is a bond that isn't easily broken. 

A New Life (Lams University AU) {COMPLETED} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now