Chapter 22

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in the past to days. Unfortunately, it will be really difficult for me to update on Saturdays and Sundays, so don't expect any updates then. Anyway, here's the long chapter I promised. -S

Peggy's POV

Angelica told me her plan to pay a surprise visit to dad. Looks like she took the advice that I gave her. Well, technically, John gave her the advice. Eh... "-So the car will be ready tomorrow morning and we'll-"

"Hold up." I cut Angelica off. "So we are leaving tomorrow morning?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"Yep." Angelica nodded. "I need you to manually go to everyone's dorm and tell them. Whoever wants to come can come, otherwise, they stay here." I agreed. I glanced over at the clock. 9:19 pm, Nobody should be asleep yet. I went over to the door and quickly bolted down the corridor. I knocked a couple times on Maria's and Theo's door. Theo answered. I quickly told Theo about everything and that we were leaving tomorrow morning. Theo said she'd be there and was about to call for Maria when she suddenly appeared behind her.

"I'm not missing this trip for the world!" Maria exclaimed. "Thanks for the invite Pegs!" I nodded and ran out of the dorm building. Onto the guys... I ran into the other dorm building and ran to Aaron's dorm room, which he shared with James and Thomas. I knocked on the door which, thankfully, Aaron answered.

"Hey Aaron. Angelica wanted to know if you wanted to come with us to visit our dad. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning." I informed him. He scratched his chin.

"I don't know..." He began.

"Theo will be going." I said pleadingly. He immediately looked decisive.

"Alright, I'll be there." He concluded. I mentally high-fived myself for my amazing persuasion skills. Once Aaron closed the door, I made my way further down the hall. Laf and Herc's dorm is closest, so I'll go there, then I'll go to Alex and John's. I knocked on Herc and Laf's door. Laf answered.

"Bonjour mon ami." Laf chirped happily. His usual happy, go-lucky self.

"Hey Laf. My sisters have decided on what we are going to do. Angelica rented a car for us to use and we'll be leaving tomorrow morning." I told Laf. He nodded slowly.

"Alright, see you then." He said and walked back inside to inform Herc. Just one more to go. I walked next door to Alex and John's dorm. John answered.

"Hey Pegs. What's up?" He asked. I repeated my message for the millionth time. He agreed and went back inside. My job here is done. I sighed and ran back to my dorm, ready to go to sleep.

(Time skip to the next morning brought to you by my Nutella sandwich.)

Angelica's POV

I went to the car dealership the second they opened. They had the car, well, van ready for us. I had already gotten my drivers license and I'm able to drive, but I was just to lazy to buy a car. I drove back to the campus and everyone was waiting at the entrance. They're all on time for once. Peggy and Maria brought the puppies since they can't leave them in the dorm alone for a week. Pidge, as Peggy called her puppy, had gotten her collar engraved earlier that morning with Peggy and Maria. I parked the car and everyone helped one another to put their bags in. I decided that I would drive half the way and then Eliza would for the rest since we knew where to go. Once we all got settled, I began to drive. Prepare for a trip of boredom.

Alex's POV

I wasn't tired from having to get up so early compared to the others. I guess I was just used to not getting a lot of sleep. Once we got in the car, Herc fell asleep immediately. I took out the book I was reading before. I opened it to my marked page. As I read through a pages, I noticed a snout sniffing at my book. I looked up to find Peggy's dog looking up at me with hazelnut brown eyes. "Sorry about Pidge." Peggy apologized.

"It's quite alright Peggy, there is nothing to apologize for." I said. I patted Pidge's head. You are kinda cute... Pidge then leaped into my lap and settled there.

"Pidge..." Peggy said, exasperated.

"It's okay Peggy, she can stay there if she wants. I doubt she'd want to move anyway." I laughed. Peggy thanked me and went back to discussing something with Maria. I think I have taken a liking to dogs now...

John's POV

Pidge relaxed in Alex's lap while he read a book. I really need to get him more diverse books. With nothing better to do, I stared out of one of the car windows, thinking about everything that has happened this year. I didn't realize how long I had looked out of the window until Laf poked me. "Are you alright John? You've been staring out of that window for almost an hour. Have I?

"O-oh, yes I'm fine, just lost in thought." I answered. I didn't realize I had been looking out there for that long. I took out one of the books I had brought and began reading it since everyone seemed to be lost in conversation, except me and Alex of course.

(Time skip to the rest stop brought to you by exhaustion.)

I walked inside the building and bought a couple drinks and snacks. Putting them in my bag, I went back towards the entrance and sat on a bench next to Alex, who was holding Pidge and waiting for the others. "Are you the unofficial "Pidge Guardian" now?" I asked Alex jokingly. He nodded.

"Apparently." Alex answered, quite amused. We continued joking around until the others were ready to go. Once we got back in the car, I finally managed to get some much needed rest. Won't be long until we get there...

     Hey guys!!!! I'm not dead, don't worry. I wanted to make this chapter longer, but my *ahem* parents don't like me writing so much in my spare time. It may become more difficult for me to update, but I'll sure darn try. That's the reason this is short and late. I'm really sorry. But, thank you for reading!!! -S

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