Chapter 35

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Sorry for the short chapter last time. I'll try to make it up to you. Keyword: Try -S

     Maria's POV

       It's relief to know Eliza is alright, although I wonder why she left anyway. I sat on my bed, scrolling through Tumblr and idly petting Jay when there was a knock at the door. Jay immediately ran up to it and made (pathetic) attempts to leap up and push down the handle to open the door. I laughed and opened it for him. Peggy walked in with Pidge on her heels. Jay immediately tackled Pidge and they tussled playfully on the ground. "What's up, Pegster?" I asked. She gave me a quick kiss before motioning for me to sit, to which I obliged.

"Alright, so Eliza hates me now." She began.

"I think that's a bit of an overstatement. She's your sister, she wouldn't hate you." I soothed. She shook her head.

"Is Theo here? She might want to know about this."

"No, she's with Aaron."

"Of course. Anyway, I helped John and Alex to get together, right? I knew that she and Alex weren't exactly right for each other. He needed someone who could match his spirit, not push it down. So, I went to Herc and Laf and they agreed to help. After they got together and we went on the trip, she finally found out that they were a couple. Of course, she didn't ask for details until we got back. Now, she hates my guts and I'm afraid for the two of them. I don't know what she's capable of." Peggy explained rapidly.

     It took me a few more seconds to register everything she had said, and when I did, realization slapped me in the face. "Oh..." I said softly. "I have a rough idea that just might work." Peggy looked up quickly, hope plastered all over her face. "Whenever she insists on going anywhere alone, maybe try and go with her or try and follow unnoticed." I said thoughtfully. Peggy slowly nodded.

"And I can't prove that she'll do anything anyway." Peggy said, nodding slowly.  She gave me one of the biggest hugs she has ever given me, which is saying a lot since she's always hugging me, and thanked me an insane amount of times. "Time to go, Pigeon!" She called as she went to the door.

"You call, Pidge, 'Pigeon'?" I asked, laughing.

"Yep," Peggy said popping the 'P'. "It's her nickname." Pidge padded up and dipped her head to me before following Peggy out the door. Those two are something else...


     Eliza's POV

     I laid on my bed and sighed heavily. This isn't like me at all... But, Alexander will be mine. I gingerly sat up and scrolled through my phone. Nothing... Getting up, I decided to get a coffee and distract myself from my problems. When I opened the door to find Pidge sitting outside of it. When I opened it, she turned to me and gave me a long, knowing look. Before I could say anything, she turned away and stalked into Peggy's open bedroom. I shook my head to clear the confusion which clouded my mind and grabbed my purse.

     When I got to the coffee shop, I ordered my usual and sat down. What will I have to do to get the freckled child out of the way? I sipped my coffee thoughtfully and set it down. Then, a great idea popped into my head. That'll be perfect...

     Theodosia's POV

I was talking with Aaron and James when Maria texted me. Still listening to the conversation, I pulled out my phone and read what she had to say.

Messages between Theodosia and Maria

QueenofRed: yo theo

Theo: Yes?

QueenofRed: keep an eye on liza. trouble is brewing

Theo: 10-4

     I put my phone away and continued to listen to their pointless conversation. Why am I even here?

* * * * *

John's POV

Alex was bundled in a heap of blankets on his bed, supposedly asleep. Sighing, I poked the unmoving heap. "Get up, Alex,"

"Not today, Satan!" He shouted.

"You've been hanging out with Peggy way too much." I said, yanking the blankets off of him. "Besides, Herc invited us over to watch a few more movies, and you're coming whether you like it or not." He remained curled up in the center of the bed,his hoodie engulfing him. "You lazy lump!" I said, dragging him out of bed.

"I am not lazy, I just wanted an excuse not to socialize. You won't give me back my computer, so this is the next best option." He defended himself. I threw his shoes at him and opened the door to leave.

"Let's go," I sighed, exasperated.

"Aw, you know you love me," He snickered, slipping on his shoes and following me out the door.

"Who couldn't," I murmured, opening the door to Laf and Herc's dorm.

Okay, um, wow, it's been a while. I am so sorry I haven't updated recently. I've just been dealing with my stupid personal problems and relatives. Hope you enjoyed! -S

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