Chapter 5

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 Hello again fellow readers!! I'm glad if you are enjoying my book. I don't think my writing is that great, but if you guys like it, that's all that matters. Anyhow, on with the story. -S

     Peggy's POV (Because suspense)

"Angelica, Eliza, wake up!!!" I screeched. " We have classes in a few hours!!" 

"Chill Peggy, it's only 7:00 am, go back to sleep." Angelica groaned and put a pillow over her head. I, as you know, do not give up that easily. I jumped on her bed and ripped off all her blankets and the pillow covering her face.

"C'mon Ange, wake up. I'm bored." I whined like a little kid. "Eliza's already awake Ange. Please?"

"Go bother her then Peggy!!" Angelica yelled and pushed me off her bed and shoved me out of her room. I pouted and went to talk to Eliza. She was eating some cereal on the couch.

"You alright 'Liza?" I asked. I knew both my sisters were disappointed that John beat them to Alex. But even if one of them had told Alex first, what would the other say?  

"I'm fine Peggy." said Eliza determinedly. 

"What are you planning?" I asked curiously. Whenever she had that tone of voice, she was usually planning something which could be good or bad. Eliza sighed then smirked. 

"Well, I figured I would ask Alex how he felt about well me and Angelica. But I can probably never catch him alone. A girl can try though, right?" Eliza rambled. I sighed and gave her a long stare.

"You are helplessly insane. You and Angelica. You don't see me falling head over heels for a guy I just barely met." I stated. Eliza glared at me and continued eating. I shrugged and grabbed my phone. Jeez, they're mad at me for telling the truth. I decided to write a FanFiction about John and Alex because they're cute together. Sorry Angelica and Eliza, but I don't think you'll be getting Alex the way you want him. I sighed at how blind my sisters could be so blind to true love. Why am I the only normal one around here?

     Alex's POV (Because why the heck not?)

     I woke to John moving stuff around. Then I remembered what had happened last night. Oh shoot, my life is over when it's just barely began!! I sighed when I realized I was going to have to talk to him eventually. 

"I know you're awake Alex." John laughed. I groaned and sat up. "Here ya go. I gift from me and Laf." John said cheerily. Did he even remember what happened last night? I looked at the package John handed me.

"A p-phone?!? John, I can't accept this, it must've cost you and Laf quite a lot!" John shook his head.

     "No actually. I went to Laf and Herc's dorm earlier this morning and he told me to give it to you as a gift from me. How he managed to afford it, I don't know. I know I could, but how Laf did is a mystery for another day." John explained. I nodded in understanding. When should I ask him if he remembers yesterday's events. Should I ask him? I shook my head to clear the thoughts and took the phone from John. He helped me for about half an hour trying to set it up. Apparently, Laf already got me a phone number and he was paying for the cellular data.

"T-thanks John. No one has ever been so nice to me before I met you guys." I began tearing up. C'mon Alex, you can't cry, not in front of John. John seemed to understand because he gave me a hug.

"It's alright 'Lex. Don't worry about it." John said kindly. He does remember!!! I bet he does!! 

"Do you remember what happened last night." I asked cautiously as John let me go and went back to packing his bag. He shrugged.

"Kind of. I remember some of it, like..." he paused suddenly. He swallowed and forced himself to continue. "I k-k-kissed you 'Lex." he said so quietly, I could barely pick up on what he said. OH HECK HE DID REMEMBER!!! MY LIFE IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!! JUST KILL ME NOW!!! I nodded and he sighed. "I'm real sorry 'Lex I just..." his voice trailed off as I got up and kissed him to shut him up.

"Be quiet and let me finish." I said playfully. John nodded and clamped his mouth shut. "John Laurens, I-i uh..." I was at a loss for words. "Speech cannot express what I'd like to say. I'm better at explaining my feelings in writing." John nodded and finished packing his bag. Then he put his shoes away and collapsed on his bed. I whipped out a piece of parchment paper which I had and a quill with some ink. Then I began to write my feelings for John on it. 

     "Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others." 

          - A. Ham

I left the letter on John's backpack and grabbed my stuff. Almost 10:00 am, better head out. Goodbye John. See you later. I set an alarm for 10:00 on his clock and headed out. What have I gotten myself into?

     Herc's POV

"Laf, it's almost 10:00 am, we gotta go." I said. We had already gotten ready and Laf was still admiring the jacket I gave him. He slipped on the jacket and grabbed his backpack. 

"Alright, let's go, non?" Laf asked in his adorable French accent. I nodded and led Laf to building B where our three classes for the day were being held. "See you later Herc." Laf waved as he headed to his English class.

"Bye Laf." I said happily and headed to Fashion class. There was a couple other guys here which was surprising. I shook it off and sat in a chair near the middle of the classroom. This'll be a LONG day.

Finally done. I know this chapter probably sucks compared to my others but I don't care. My computer was giving me some problems so it took me awhile to finish typing this. My apologies. But thanks for 77 reads!!! I've only had this book up since the beginning of last week and it already has 77 reads!!! You guys are amazing and are really giving me a purpose to continue this book!!! Thanks again guys!!!! You guys are the best!!! -S

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