Chapter 29

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     I'm sorry if the previous chapter was terrible, I'm trying to get chapters up as fast as possible, so chapters may be less detailed nowadays. Also, thank you all so much for two thousand reads!! I didn't know you guys enjoyed this book that much!! It means a lot to know that people actually like what I write. Thanks so much!! Enjoy!! -S

     Laf's POV

     John and Alex went into their room and didn't come out yet. "It's morning now, Herc. Alex and John should be coming out now, so we can ask them what happened to Alex." I told Herc who was hiding under the sheets. He groaned but didn't move. "Get up you lazy lump!" I laughed. He still refused to move. I ripped the sheets off him but he remained curled up on the mattress. I poked his face and that's why he sat up and engulfed me in one of his bear hugs. 

"I know Laf, but I just didn't see a reason to get up a the moment 'till you decided to poke me." He mumbled, refusing to let me go. I sighed, knowing I probably won't be let go for a while. After a few minutes, Herc let me go and nearly went back to sleep on the bed again.

"No way am I letting you go back to sleep!" I said, pushing Herc off his bed. Sighing in defeat, he got up and went to change. I grabbed my phone and texted John and Alex.

French_Baguette: hey are you guys alright?

     John's POV

     I was awoke to my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. One unread text from Laf. I wonder what's up?

French_Baguette: hey are you guys alright?

Turtle_Boi: Yeah, we're fine. Why?

French_Baguette: you kinda disappeared yesterday without a word.

Turtle_Boi: Yeah, I know, but I'll tell you want happened later if Alex allows me too.

French_Baguette: alright johnny boy.

     I sighed and put away my phone. I didn't want anyone to worry over us, but I guess that's what this caused. I looked back at Alex who was still gripping me like his life depended on it. I hardly get to see this side of you very often. I tried to move, but that only made him stir. "John," Alex croaked. He looked tired, although he had slept for the whole night. He let me go and began to apologize for what happened yesterday. "It's alright 'Lex, don't worry about it. I like caring for you, so their's no need you to apologize." I soothed. He closed his mouth and nodded.

"You probably want to know why I reacted like that because of the rain, huh." He asked. I nodded. "Just get comfortable, it's a long story." 

     Herc's POV

     I really didn't want to get up this morning, but Laf made me. When he dragged me downstairs, I was still rather tired, but I didn't complain. Peggy and Maria were playing with Pidge and Jay while one of Philip's maids was cooking something in the kitchen. Peggy spotted me and gave me a hug before saying we could wait around a while for breakfast. I sighed and collapsed on the couch. I didn't relax for long before Jay leaped on me and started licking my face. Laf and the girls laughed at this, but I didn't really care. A few minutes later Eliza and Angelica came down and sat with me on the couch. John and Alex still haven't come down yet, and I'm starting to get a little worried. 

     After a few minutes of worriedly glancing at the stairs every few minutes, the pair finally came downstairs. "Finally," Laf muttered. "I thought you both were dead or something." I stifled a laugh at that. I got a good look at Alex for once. He looked tired, as though he hasn't slept in ages. 

"Hey Alex," I ask after a moment. "Are you alright?" He flinched but said nothing. John whispered something  in his ear, which caused Alex to slowly nod. 

"Alright, so we probably have some explaining to do, huh." 

"Mhmm." We all said. He sighed and began to explain Alex's fear of storms and why he dashed off. 

(Time skip to after the explanation brought to you by my new editing job with someone on Wattpad.)

     We all stared in shock, our gazed going from Alex to John and back again. "A-are you serious?" Peggy asked after a moment. Alex, who was sitting with his back towards us, turned around and nodded. 

"I-i just couldn't bring myself to tell you guys because I didn't want anyone's pity or anything." He mumbled, his voice barely audible. Laf patted Alex on the back.

"Mon ami, you really did not need to hide anything from us. You're our friend and we wouldn't have judged you. 

"Thank you." Alex said curtly, refusing to show any more emotion. Just then, Philip walked in and called us to breakfast. We all sat and ate, although Alex didn't eat much. John was trying to coax him to eat a little more food, which he was successful at. We have to make sure to take better care of our fragile friend from now on.

 ALamsShipper is having me edit their book called "Until We Meet Again" and it's focused mostly on mullette, but it will have other ships like lams and meggy/pegria. Thanks so much for reading!!

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