Chapter 36

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     I saw a girl with a 'Hamilton' t-shirt in the hotel at breakfast yesterday and she gave me motivation to do this. Besides, I still have to finish this book by the end of the summer and I only have three more weeks. You can thank her for how long this is. Also, how does this book have six thousand reads! That's wizard (cool/amazing)! I have so many things planned. *insert evil laughter* -S

     John's POV

     Herc cried for the fiftieth time as Dug was sent away by Carl, even though Dug loved him. "Herc," Laf sighed, giving him a hug. "It's only a movie."

     "But it feels so real!" He sobbed. To be completely honest, I haven't seen the movie before and was on the brink of tears myself. The beginning was sad enough! Why is it always the animals! I blinked rapidly, trying to blink back tears. Alex was analyzing the movie intently, writing down every little detail.

"Why-" I began to ask but he cut me off.

"For something I'm working on. You might like it." He said, his eyes shining. I stifled a laugh and looked back at the movie.

*Less than an hour later.*

     Alex's POV

     "Dug is the absolute best!" John cried, sobbing into my shoulder. I wasn't good at the whole "comforting people" thing, so I awkwardly patted his back.

"All Carl wanted was to fulfill his dream!" Herc sobbed, curled into a ball on the floor. Laf looked on, shaking his head.

"You two are such emotional souls." Laf snickered, beginning to drag Herc to his bed.

"We'd better get going," I said. "Thanks for inviting us."

"Any time, mon ami." Laf replied, trying to get Herc to go to bed.

"Nuuuuuu," Herc protested. "I don't wanna go to sleep." John leaned on my shoulder and I escorted him back to the dorm. He flopped onto the bed almost immediately.

"G'night." He said drowsily.

     "'Night, Peaches." I breathed, planted a soft kiss to his forehead. His soft snores were soothing and I suddenly wanted to go to sleep. I've got to finish this though. It may be one of my biggest accomplishments here. I took out the unfinished piece of sheet music and drummed my fingers on my desk trying to figure out what note should come next.

    *A week later*

     Eliza's POV

     I had already apologized to my sisters for my odd behavior last week and they forgave me. Little do they know is that I have something up my sleeve. I'm not exactly down and out just yet. I found Angelica typing away on her phone. "Hey, Angie," I asked as casually as possible. She hummed in response, though not looking up from her phone. "We haven't gone to 'Thebarthatletsunderagecollegestudentsin' (I forgot who told me to do this... Sorry!) for a while. Maybe we should go this evening." Angelica shot up and squished my face in the hands.

"You are an absolute genius, 'Liza!" She said, letting my face go and swiftly typed something into her phone. I rubbed my cheeks and jaw. Man, she has a stronger grip than I remember. I shook my head and let a small smile play at my lips. Everything is going according to plan...

Messages between Elizabeth and **** *****.

Eliza: We'll be there tonight. I'll let you know the exact time we'll be there soon.

A New Life (Lams University AU) {COMPLETED} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now