Chapter 10

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     Hey guys. I'm still here. I am really sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had to go to a carnival yesterday, so I couldn't update. Don't worry though, I'll have a double update today or tomorrow. Thanks for giving this book over two hundred reads! It means a whole lot! -S

     Thomas' POV

     "You really shouldn't treat random strangers like that Thomas." James scolded. I hate it when he calls me Thomas, which usually means he's disappointed. "I expected better from you." I sighed.

"I treat him like that because he looks and acts like a total snob and he seems to think he's to good for this world." I countered. James rubbed his forehead in exasperation. 

"Thomas..." James began. 

"Alright! I'll go apologize to the brat if you'll stop bugging me about it." I yelled. James grabbed a tissue and blew his nose before responding. 

"You don't even know the guy, at least try to get to know him before you go around judging Thomas." James said logically and went to start typing something on his computer. Why do I treat Alexander like that? I barely know him! I snorted and promised myself I'd speak with him next class. Sorry Jemmy...

     Angelica's POV

     I wrote an apology on a piece of paper. Eliza was staring at me as though I grew another head. Don't write anything stupid. I sighed. I knew Alex probably wouldn't forgive me for what I did. What I did was unforgivable, right? Once I had finished, I handed the note to Peggy. "H-hey Pegs, c-could you maybe deliver t-this note to Alex, i-it's an apology." I rambled. Peggy stared at me for a few seconds and reluctantly took it from me. 

"I'm only doing this because I have a small sliver of respect left for you." Peggy snorted. She then opened the door the our dorm and bolted. 

     Theodosia's POV'

     I opened the door to my dorm. "Hey Theo! Your back!" A voice yelled from inside the room. That was Maria Lewis, my roommate and best friend. 

"Yeah. I hope Alex is alright." I sighed. Maria nodded and glanced at the ceiling in deep thought. 

"You should talk to him, maybe become friends or whatnot, despite what Aaron says." Maria says happily. I nodded. I will prove Aaron wrong for once! 

     Alex's POV (Finally)

     I sat in a quiet corner of the library. Grabbing another book, I began reading it and gathered my thoughts on what had happened that evening. What would have caused Angelica to act this way and what did she even mean by that? As I was pondering this, someone else walked into the library. I didn't bother trying to see who it was and continued reading and thinking. All of a sudden, the person who walked into the library came to my little corner. "Alex?" the person asked. I looked up to see Laf standing there. I didn't say anything because I had a lump in my throat from trying not to cry like a small child. "What happened Alex?" Now, I gave up trying to hold me my tears and silently started sobbing, even though I'd rather not have in public. "It's alright Alex, let's go back." I finally managed to gather myself enough for Laf to half drag and half carry me back to the dorm.

     John's POV

"Where the heck is Alex?" I asked Herc, who was sitting on my couch. 

"Laf is the best at this kind of thing. Don't worry." Herc responded confidently. I continued pacing the length of Alex's and my room. A few seconds later, Laf bursts in with Alex. 

"Alex!" I quickly exclaimed. I slumped to the floor and hugged him as though I haven't seen him in a million years. 

Laf and Herc laughed, "You are insane Johnny Boy." I got up and glared at them.

"Shut up." I muttered. "What did happen to you Alex?" 

(Time skip to when Alex had explained everything)

     We comforted Alex as he silently took our comfort. Just then, there was a knock at the door. Laf went and opened it to find Peggy standing there. The second Herc saw her, he nearly tackled her like she was a football player. Laf and I narrowly managed to stop him and push him back inside. "Chill Herc..." Laf had muttered. Peggy then apologized about her sister's stupid actions. She then handed me the note and told me it was for Alex. She apologized again and walked off in the direction of the library. I just stare after her. Shrugging, I headed back in and handed Alex the note. He stares at it and places it on his desk. Laf and Herc left a few minutes later and Alex remained on the ground. I sat down and hugged him. He fell asleep there and I didn't want to disturb him. So we fell asleep together on the ground.

     I'm going to end it there. Don't worry, I'll have two chapters up tomorrow, I just needed time to finish this because well, it took awhile to figure out all the details. Thanks for reading!! -S

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