Chapter 42

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     I don't really know how to end this. Please forgive me. I know absolutely nothing about romance at all (This is what I get for deciding to write romance in the first place). I will rewrite this entire book and make a better ending. Either way, just enjoy, I guess. (Also, a person helped me write this, so it may be a bit inconsistent to the rest of the book, but at this point, I don't care) -S

*Time skip to graduation because I'm lazy and I need to end the book to rewrite it*

     John's POV

    I remember there being laughter and happiness in the air, happiness being shared between parents and students alike. My father beamed proudly as I stepped off the stage. My siblings ran up to me all at once and tackled me in a giant bear hug. "Alright, alright," I laughed, pushing them off. 

     My father followed them soon after, doing the same to me and me having to push him off as well. They all had to leave and while being left there I wondered if I would see Alex today, for he was the only person I wanted to see today, minus the people who give me my reward for surviving the attack from Eliza which was completely unnecessary. 

     Alex was swept away by a crowd of others students and professors congratulating him and such. Me? I was just the average graduate with pretty average grades and an even more average personality. At the moment, I only had my family, and really, I couldn't ask for much better. Most graduates seem to know what they want to do after college. And yet, I still don't. What I'm most worried about is what will happen to me and Alex. We'll probably go our separate ways for the last time. We may not even see each other ever again. However, I'll let Alex have the final say on that decision. It only seems fair. 

     Alex's POV

     After managing to evade all those who wanted to speak to me, I finally managed to go over to where the gang was clustered in a corner of the room. "Have you guys seen John?" I asked as I approached. 

     "I think he was with his dad and siblings," Peggy said. "Why?" 

     "I just have to talk to him." I replied. She shrugged and pointed in the general direction of the stage where John was talking with his father and watching his siblings. If we do g our separate ways, I'll sure miss the little ones. 

     "Hold up," Angelica said, just as I was about to leave. "You can't let him go y'know. You've worked too hard and have come too far to give up now. If he disagrees, I'll have a quick chat with him."

     "No, you won't." Peggy sighed. "You aren't going to kill anybody tonight, capisce (ca-peesh)?" Angelica shrugged.

     "I make no promises." Rolling my eyes at the pair, I left, determined to at least speak with him before we have to get ready to leave the dorms. As I approached, he noticed me, apologized to his dad, and came over, tackling me in a hug.

     "You did so well, I'm proud of you." He said quietly. I repaid the compliment more light-heartedly. 

     "Listen, it's the end of our last year of college," I began. 

     "I understand if you want to go. We both have our dreams, and I don't want to prevent you from making yours come true." He said, letting me go and standing back a little. 

     "No, no. That's the thing. I can follow my dreams wherever you are, except for punching Jefferson in the face, but that one isn't important. I can do what I love anywhere, but you, you're one in a billion, John. There's not another person out there quite like you. I could look for a thousand years and still never find someone." I immediately stop myself realizing how much I've said and looked up at him. 

     He looked at me for a few moments before drawing in me into another hug and whispering, "Thank you, Alex," I was about to reply when Peggy came up behind a tapped my shoulder.


     I jumped and turned around, startled. "Jeez, Peggy! Don't do that!" I sighed. She burst into laughter and Angelica came into the room, followed by Maria, Herc, and Laf. 

     "They were having a moment, Peggy. You've ruined it!" Herc whined. Laf let out a snicker and bumped fists with Peggy. 

     "I'm proud of you. It's normally us who do that." Laf said, looking over at us and letting out another laugh. John rolled his eyes and turned to his dad. 

     "Some nice friends you got there, John." His father said, coming up, laughter evident in his voice. 

     "I know right? I'm so fortunate."

     "Oi! Take that back!" Peggy said, playfully punching him. He stuck out his tongue.

     "You're gonna have to make me." The pair playfully argued while I looked around my group of friends. This is what I came to America for.

A new life. 





"This just about wraps up our story. Of course, this story will be told again in better details. I do hope you enjoyed this and-" 

"Pidge!" Peggy yelled. "Are you done?"

*sigh* "And be sure to keep on the lookout for that. To all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals, peace out."


A New Life (Lams University AU) {COMPLETED} [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now