Chapter 19

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     Hey guys! I really never know what to put in these intros. So, on with the book!! -S

     Laf's POV

     Alex stood around the entrance of the store while Herc was speaking with some of the employees there. Alex is probably bored, so I'll take him around this little store to look at some clothes. I went up to him and pushed him around the store. "You are going to choose at least one article of clothing and allow me to buy it for you." I told Alex who was being used around the store by yours truly. Alex sighs in defeat and picked a hoodie that was too big for him. 

"I'll get this and only this alright Laf?" Alex said. 

"Alright Alex." I laughed. I glanced around and saw Herc picking up various fabrics and materials.  I held back a laugh. "And what do you plan on doing with that stuff?" I sarcastically asked him. Herc rolled his eyes and took the assorted materials to the cashier. I took the hoodie from Alex and took it to the cashier.

(Time skip to when they come back to the dorm because I'm out of ideas and time.)

We waved goodbye to Alex and headed into our dorm. The second we stepped into our shared dorm, Herc rushed over to his sewing machine and started working on something. I should've known...

     Alex's POV

I opened the door to our dorm and saw John sitting on his bed reading a book. "Hey 'Lex!" John greeted me. "Did Herc and Laf take you out?" He snickered, pointing to the bag in my hand.

"Against my will." I muttered. John was only just able to stifle his laugh. I plopped myself on my bed and took out my old laptop. Maybe I could sell it to get some money... He came up to me and placed and envelope on my keyboard and went back over to his bed. I opened it only to find a card that had a couple thousand dollars on it. "J-john! I can't take this from you!! I r-really can't!" I told him, getting up to give him back the envelope. 

"I knew you'd say that 'Lex, but I want and need you to take it. I-i can't bear to see you barely making by everyday with the already small amount of money you have." He said truthfully, pushing the envelope back to me. "Just keep it, for my sake if not for your own." I sighed.

"Alright John, I didn't know you had money to throw away like that." I sighed, looking down to the ground. John lifted my head back up and turned my face towards him. 

"You know that anything used on you is not being wasted or thrown away 'Lex. Trust me." He said. What did I ever do to deserve you John? That's one question I may never know the answer to.

     Aaron's POV (Because I haven't done him in a while.)

     How could Theo even stand to be around that stuck-up know it all? Heck, he hasn't even bothered to speak to me! Sure, I may have been a little intimidating when we first met but, he looks like a strong kid, I'm sure he's gone through much  worse. The rest of his little "squad" are just to much for me to handle, other than Theo and James of course. I'm quite sure Thomas feels the same way about James hanging around them, but there really isn't anything I can do about it.

     Peggy's POV

     I dashed as quick as I could over to Maria's and knocked on the door. Theodosia opened it. "Thank goodness you're here, I don't think I could live another day with them." She said quickly before pushing me inside. Them? Who's them? She pointed to Maria's room side of the room where I saw her crouching near a relatively small basket.

 "Hey Mari." I said. Before I can say more, she stands up and turns around, facing me. In her arms were the two cutest puppies I have ever seen. "Oh my gosh!!! Where did you get them!!" I gushed. I love puppies in case you haven't noticed. 

"A friend." She shrugged. She then handed me the smaller of the two. "It's for you Pegs! She's all yours." I held the small puppy in my arms and cuddled her. Tears started to well up in my eyes. 

"T-thank you Mari!! This is the absolute nicest thing anyone has and probably ever will do for me!!" I cried. I hugged the little puppy as though my life depended on it. What'll I name her? How will I ever repay Maria?

     Theo's POV

     I loved the puppies, even though they made quite a bit of noise in the evenings. I mean, what's not to love about them? Maria told me that she was giving one to Peggy and the other will stay with us here. I didn't mind too much, so long as we didn't loose both puppies because I love them. Life will never be quiet around here ever again...

     I have finished with this chapter a bit later than usual, but hey, it's up. Tell me in the comments what Peggy's puppy should be named. She's a girl. Thanks so much for over eight hundred reads!!! I know it might seem small to a lot of people, but to me, it means a lot to know that people actually enjoy my writing. Thank you guys very much. You are all the best!! -S

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