Chapter 11

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     Hey guys! I'm back in time for Easter. Thanks so much for over three hundred reads!! You guys are the best!! -S

     Peggy's POV

     I walked into the library to nearly bump into a girl who looked a lot like me. "I'm so sorry." said the girl. 

"No it was my fault." I said kindly. I put out my hand. "My name is Peggy Schuyler, what's yours?" 

"The name's Maria Lewis." Maria replied. We spent another half hour talking about random things. Right before I headed out, she gave me her number and told me we should hang out sometime. I agreed and bolted home to my sisters, hoping that they haven't been up to anything. Once I got inside, I saw Angelica typing something on her computer and Eliza was writing an essay. 

"What happened?" Eliza asked, clearly concerned. I shook my head.

"Nothing, just met someone new and rushed back to make sure nothing happened." I replied, quite impressed that Eliza cared about anything nowadays. She shrugged and went back to writing. This'll be a quiet evening...

     Aaron's POV( The next morning)

     I woke up before Thomas or James was awake. Figures... I went a took a quick shower. Once I had, I slipped on a long sleeved shirt and some boot cut jeans. I grabbed my phone to find that Theodosia had texted me. 

Theo: Hey Aaron! I wanted to know if maybe you'd like to grab breakfast with me at the diner this morning. 

Aaron: Sure, I'd love to.

I grabbed my wallet and walked over to Theo's dorm. She was already waiting outside. "Hey Aaron." She chirped. 

"Hey Theo. Ready to go?" I said. She nodded and we headed across the campus to the diner. 

(Time skip to when they arrive and are seated.)

     I looked over the menu and decided on pancakes with bacon and eggs. Not to over-the-top and not too simple. Theo chose a fruit salad with waffles and eggs. After a few minutes, our food arrived and we ate it gratefully. I offered to pay, but Theo insisted that she was the one who asked me to come and therefore, should be the one to pay. I tried to object, but saw no point to it. She paid and we headed off to our different dorm buildings. I packed my bag with my things for my classes and woke Thomas, since James was already awake and was trying to wake him as well. "Thomas, you over sleeping IDIOT!" James muttered while grabbing a water dropper. He filled it with water and dripped some on his face.

"WATER!!!" Thomas screamed. James clasped a hand over his mouth.

     "Shut up Thomas, you're going to wake every single person in this dorm building!" James whisper-shouted. Thomas calmed down and apologized to James. I just sat there staring in amazement and exasperation. He seemed to realize this and covered his face. 

     "You best not tell anyone about this Aaron," Thomas mumbled. I laughed internally but on the outside, I simply nodded. James snickered and told Thomas they had classes and they had to get ready to go. I was already ready so a grabbed my bag and headed out. I got to the class about fifty minutes before it started. Sighing, I took out my computer and began researching some random things that have been floating around in my mind.

     John's POV

     What the heck? Why am I on the floor, and what time is it? I then looked down to see Alex's sleeping form in my arms. Now I remember... I slowly got up as to not disturb him, and placed him on one of the beds. I didn't really pay attention to which one I put him on. I took and quick shower and put on some comfortable clothes. Alex has classes in about an hour, so the best thing to do might be to wake him up. Me on the other hand, have classes in about fifteen minutes, I've got to go. Quickly making up my mind, I set an alarm to ring in  five minutes. With that, I bolted towards my class. At least this is my only class today...

     I got there with a few minutes to spare. I took out my art assignment from last class and placed it on the desk I was sitting at as to not waste time looking for it later.

     Alex's POV

     I woke up to an alarm beeping. The heck? I suddenly realized I wasn't in my bed. Oh heck, I'm in John's bed... I quickly got up and turned off the alarm. I have classes in forty five minutes! I got up and fixed my hair. I then took a shower and put on a hoodie and some sweatpants. I quickly packed all of my things. I already wrote some notes for the debate today with Jefferson.

(Time skip to when Alex gets to class.)

      I got there with quite a bit of time to spare. Phew. All of a sudden, the door opens and Jefferson walks through it. He comes up to me and stands directly in front of my desk. "H-hello Alexander, I'm real sorry I treated you terribly and I just w-wanted to let you know." He said shakily. He then sat next to the one John called James Madison. I turned around and looked at him. Man... I brushed my hands through my hair and started to write. I write everything down, so of course this was of no surprise to me. About half an hour later, Professor Washington walked in. 

"Alright class, pass forward your essays and then we will decide on which topic to debate." Professor Washington said. I handed mine forward, which was on equal human rights for everyone, and waited for Professor Washington to select one.

"The debate between Mr.Hamilton and Mr.Jefferson will instead based on the historical debate on the U.S treasury between Daveed Diggs and Lin-Manuel Miranda." Professor Washington announced. I shrugged. He gave us a few minutes to prepare our debate notes before he called us to begin.

(Time skip to after the debate.)

     Jefferson was staring at me, as though he didn't think I was capable of speaking violently but eloquently in the heated air of a debate. Even Professor Washington looked stunned. That wasn't even my best... Professor Washington finally gathered himself and cleared his throat. "Mr. Hamilton clearly won that d-debate." He stuttered. "Class dismissed." I was the last to leave the class since I'd rather not have to deal with all the strangers around. I decided to stop by the coffee shop before heading back because I haven't had coffee on ages and I am exhausted. 

(Time skip to when he gets his coffee and heads back to the dorm.)

I was writing down my thoughts when Laf and Herc burst through the door. "Again guys?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Ah, so our little lion is feeling better now, non?" Laf laughed (See what I did there? Okay, I'll stop now...). Where the heck did he get that nickname from?

"Shut up." I muttered. John still wasn't back, so I hung out with Laf and Herc for the rest of the afternoon. 

     I'm going to end it there. I still have to publish the other chapter for today. So, yeah. I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!! -S

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