Chapter 34

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     WE SURPASSED FOUR THOUSAND READS! WHAT! That's a shocker, especially considering it's twenty eighteen. Anyway, thank you guys so much! I'm really glad my book entertains you! This means a lot to me.

     Eliza's POV
     I stalked from the dorm and stormed out of the building. I thought Angelica was always on my side, but I guess not. I clenched my fist and squinted my eyes at the setting sun. Does it really matter if I'm out late? I went through the campus gates and walked down the street, shoving my hands in my pockets. Maybe if I think of a good enough idea, I could get Alex to leave John and come with me. I was walking past the park when I suddenly stopped. "The park is supposed to be my happy place, right?" I mumbled half to myself. I went through the small gate and sat on the nearest bench, glaring at all the couples sitting together. One day, that'll be me with Alex.

     James' POV
     I sat glumly on my bed, staring absentmindedly at the far wall. Thomas insisted I stay in bed while he went to get some soup from a nearby restaurant, I wasn't really listening. I heaved a sigh and twiddled my thumbs. I gave my phone a side glance and picked it up. I mean, I have nothing better to do.

Messages between Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, John, Alexander, Lafayette, Hercules, Thomas, Aaron, Maria, Theodosia, and James.

ANdPEGGO: guys eliza didnt come home last night

AlmostSatisfied: Yeah. We're worried now.

QueenOfRed: i havent seen her since the trip

NotVeryTalkative: Well, have you tried looking for her?

In_Need_Of_Tissues: Sorry...

MagentaKing: I'm at Soup Kitchen right now. I'll let you know if I see her here.

Johnnyboi: Well, did you check the park?

Tired: She's probably still there, if she went there at all.

ANdPEGGO: im on my way there

I put my phone down and fell back onto my pillow. Today is going to be a long day...

Peggy's POV
     I ran out of the dorm and out of the building, Pidge leading the way. She led me to the park and nodded her head in the direction of the nearest bench. There, Eliza was sitting with her knees tucked into her chest and her eyes were closed. Pidge leapt onto the bench and began nosing Eliza. Eliza slowly opened one eye and noticed me standing in front of her. She closed it again and sighed heavily. "What are you doing here, Peggy?"

"Finding you, obviously." I replied smartly. She rolled her eyes and got up from the bench. "Were you here all night?" I asked.

"What's it to you?" She snapped.

"Chill out, I was just asking." I muttered. Pidge leaped from the bench and led the way back to the dorms with her head held high. Eliza followed us, her hands stuffed in her pockets. We finally made it back to the dorms and I pushed Eliza into her room. Angelica was waiting for us when we returned and she gave us a solemn nod. I went into my room and took out my phone to address the squad.

Messages between Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, John, Alexander, Lafayette, Hercules, Thomas, Aaron, Maria, Theodosia, and James.

ANdPEGGO: i found her

MagentaKing: Good.

Tired: That's a relief.

Johnnyboi: Yep.

Baguette: i thought i would have to come find her myself


Blue Jay: Of course you found me. Where else would I be, in another country?

ANdPEGGO: that could be a possibility

Blue Jay: Shut up, Peggy.

ANdPEGGO: make me

There was no noise from Eliza's room, so I thought that maybe she had calmed down or something like that. Then again, I could never really tell with her. Pidge was looking at the wall that separated Eliza's room from my own. What do you know, Pidge?

Alexander's POV
I really worried about Eliza and what Laf, Herc, and Peggy had told me. Did Eliza really want to get with me? To what lengths will she go to get me, if she even wants me? I closed the book I was reading and set it down, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. John was staring at the ceiling, tapping a pen to his chin in thought. I guess we'll all be on edge until she does something.

Here you go. Another chapter. You can thank Your_Crazy_Fangirls for it. Go check out her book. Thanks for reading! -S

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