Chapter 37

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     I was really into how the story was going, so I decided to finish another chapter today. Please don't hate me after this... Also, I got a panic attack on a plane. Normal people aren't afraid of planes, but then there's me. My brother was poking me the entire time which made matters worse. Once I managed to calm down, my mom didn't care. I don't think she even noticed! Oh well, on with the book.  -S

Trigger Warning: Death and blood. (Maybe gore.)

     *Third Person POV*

      Pidge was alone in Peggy's room. She had to get out of there to help John and his friends, although she didn't know how she would get out of Peggy's room and past the front door. She leaped up to try and grab the handle, but she couldn't get a grip on it and fell back down. She spotted Peggy's box-like footrest and pushed to the door. She stood on top of it and pushed down on the handle, which opened the door. She leaped off and pushed it to the front door.

     After pulling back the latch and twisting the lock, she pushed down on the handle and opened the door to outside of the dorm. As she knew the directions to the bar, she ran through the campus and down the street. She kept running as fast as she could and eventually came to the bar. She snuck past the guards and quickly found Alex. She nudged his foot which immediately got his attention. "Pidge?" He asked. "How'd you get here?" He chuckled lightly and patted her head. She shook his hand away and began frantically pointing at where Laf and Herc were dancing about.

"John's been gone for a while," Alex said thoughtfully. Pidge was getting impatient and as Alex made his way to the restroom, Pidge dragged him towards the emergency exit. Then, she sniffed the ground for a few seconds before finding a couple of John's hairs on the ground. She nosed them towards Alex and pointed at them with a paw before pointing back at the emergency exit. It took a few seconds before everything clicked for Alexander. Pidge heaved a sigh and waited by the emergency exit, her paws fidgeting uneasily.

John's POV

I woke up to blackness and felt cold, damp floor against my skin. I tried to move my hands, but they were bound together. The same for my feet. "I see your awake, Laurens." A sickly sweet voice chirped. I recognized the voice from somewhere, but couldn't pinpoint from where exactly. A cloth, that I suppose was being used as a blindfold, was removed from my eyes. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness of where I was, I noticed Eliza staring down at me.

"Eliza, would you mind helping me out of this?" I asked, struggling to move my limbs. She placed a foot on my back.

"And why would I do that?" She inquired. I was confused, but continued.

"Well, for one, you're my friend. This isn't like you at all!" I said, thrashing around.

     "You stole my soulmate from me, John. You manipulated my sisters and everyone around you into agreeing with the fact that you are perfect for my Alexander. I'm going to prove you, and all of them, wrong!" She said, her voice growing more icy with each word.

     To my surprise, she flipped me over so I was lying on my back and pulled out a pistol. "Any last words, Laurens?" She said, pointing the gun at my chest.

     Alexander's POV

     I gathered everyone and explained that Pidge was here and she was trying to show him something about John. Angelica realized that Eliza wasn't here and she might have something to do with it. We rushed back to the bathroom, much to Angelica's dismay, and spotted Pidge pacing the emergency exit. Her head immediately snapped up and she started bouncing and pointing outside. "I think she wants us to follow her." I said after a moment. Relief flashed in Pidge's eyes and she bounded through the exit. She ran down the street and we all followed her as quickly as drunken people could.

She skidded to a stop in front of an old warehouse and as we went up to the entrance, a gunshot rang out through the old building. We looked through the open doors to see Eliza standing over a bloodied body. John's bloodied body. I wanted to run over and tear Eliza limb from limb for hurting my John this way, but if I did that, I'd be asking to die. Peggy couldn't hold back anymore. "Eliza!" She screeched at the top of her lungs, despite our warnings. "How could you do this to anyone?! You aren't the same innocent cinnamon roll I once knew." She said the last part a little softer than the rest. She took a few steps closer to her.

"I'm anything and everything but your innocent cinnamon roll." Eliza spat back. Peggy did not reply as she came a little closer to Eliza. "One more step and you get a bullet too," Eliza threatened. Peggy hesitated for a moment before taking another step forward.

"No, Peggy!" I whisper-shouted. Eliza cocked her gun.

"Can't say I didn't warn you." She said, aiming her gun directly at Peggy. Peggy closed her eyes and I did the same. We sat there helplessly as the gunshot rang out. I opened my eyes, expecting to see Peggy crumpled on the floor and bleeding, but instead saw Pidge, the dog who led us somewhere we would have never have guessed to search.

"Pidge!" She cried. "Pidge you can't leave us now! Not after everything you've done for us!" She looked up at Eliza, death itself was in her glare. Eliza seemed to realize what she'd done and dropped her pistol before backing away. Hercules just got off the phone with emergency services and I rushed up to John. I hadn't realized I was crying until I noticed my tears were falling onto John's, my John's, face. I brushed the curls out of his face and hugged him tightly.

"Y-you can't be dead, I won't let you die." I whispered. "I promised I'd be there to protect and I failed! I'm sorry, John! I'm so, so sorry. This is all my fault." Lafayette and Angelica chased Eliza down while Herc sat with us. Pidge made an attempt to get up before falling back down and laying completely still. Peggy let out a wail and John's breathing was faint, but it was there nonetheless. You're alive and that's all that matters.

Um, I'm sorry if I made you sad this late. Hope you guys don't hate me too much. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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