New Roommate

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Sophia's POV
I walked down the crowded sidewalks of LA. I had 2 bags in each of my hands, all brand stores, and sunglasses covering the sun from my eyes. The wind blew in my hair, bringing my long curls to blow behind me. I took a turn and walked up to my apartments, in which I lived in with my brother. My parents didn't trust him living on his own, so they forced us to get separate apartments next to eachother.

I went up to the 8th floor and walked down to the end of the hall, walking up to my apartment. As I was passing by my brother's apartment, just before I could get to mine, I hear 2 guys yelling loudly. I couldn't tell if it was playfully or an actual fight. I sighed, deciding to mind my own business and unlocked the apartment door next to his. I entered my home and locked the door.

I went and put my bags inside of my bedroom on my bed. I took off my sunglasses and set them on my dresser. As I was about to exit my room and get myself a snack in the kitchen, my phone started to ring. I picked it up and saw my brothers contact pop up. I accepted the call and put it against my ear.

"What do you want, Jay." I said.

"What's with everyone having an attitude today? Damn. Look, Soph. I need you to come meet someone." Jay says and I tilt my head in confusion.


"My new roommate. Come over!" Jay says last before handing up the call. I look at my phone with confusion and set it in my back pocket.

I checked myself in the mirror and made sure I looked decent enough to meet this new roommate of Jay's. I ruffled my hair a little and then exited out of my apartment. I walked a few steps before knocking on the door.

I could clearly hear some mumbling and shuffling coming from inside before the door opens and I'm exposed to 2 brown eyes that always remind me of my father.

"Jay." I said forcing a small smile.

"Hey, sis. Come in!" Jay says in an excited tone.

It's been a while since I've seen Jay genuinely happy. Seeing the smile on his face actually warmed my heart. Maybe he should be feeling this protective, happy, yet worrying feeling being that he is the older brother by 2 years, but it's nice to know that he is at least growing up little by little.

I've never truly been in the apartment, but as I looked around, everything seemed to be oddly organized. At the front door, there was a picture with a neat plastic board over it that showed an image of a colorful bird. Then, there was the small space for the living room that had one small couch and one long couch, in which the living room also had a fluffy white carpet covering the board floor. I also saw 2 fluffy cylinder shaped seats in the living room, matching the rest of its surroundings. On the wall, there was a flat screen TV, one that Jay has always truly wanted.

To my left, there was a bedroom with a closed door. By the bedroom on the wall, there was a painting of a guy with half his face painted as earth with grey buildings sticking out. Noticing the creativity in the painting, I looked over to the other side of the apartment and realized much more. There was a long dinner table and next to it, was almost like a mini version of an office. There was enough space for both the dinner table and the office, so there was a small brownish desk with objects and a grey computer on top. Hanging on the wall was a light up version of that same colorful bird. Next to that was another bedroom.

I nodded my head, pleased by the view. Jay stood behind me, wondering what my thoughts were. Honestly, I was shocked by what I was seeing. There was even a balcony in this apartment.

"So?" Jay finally says and I smile, satisfied.

"I'm very proud of you, to be honest. But, what's up with the birds?" I asked and then I heard a squak come from inside the right bedroom.

I looked at Jay confused and he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Logan!" Jay calls and the bedroom door opens, putting in my view a tall blonde guy with pretty, clear, green eyes.

I felt my heart drop as I see the unknown guy with my own two eyes. He's buff and has pale skin. His hair is long, pushing itself to the right, and golden. He smiles at me and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Hi, my name is Logan." He says walking over to me and extending out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, Logan. I'm Sophia, Jay's-"

"Sister" Logan says finishing my sentence.

I feel my cheeks grow hot as they turn into a shade of red. I feel almost weak, my legs almost wobbling from nervousness.

"Y-yeah" I said and looked down at my Converse shoes. I heard the squak again and I look up and notice that a bird has flown on Logan's shoulder.

"Oh, and this is Maverick. He's my bird and everything that represents me and the Logang. " Logan says with a huge smile growing on his face again.

I awe at the colorful bird and try to pet it a little, but it flies towards me, making me back away with a shriek.

"I'm sorry!" Logan says as the bird flies on his shoulder again, "He is not very good with new people, but I swear that he'll come to love you." He says with a small laugh.

I chuckle and look over at Jay who is enjoying the conversation that me and his new roommate are having. I clear my throat automatically from the embarrassment.

"Well, Jay, seems like you have a great partner next to you." I say not making eye connection with my own brother.

"Yeah, I know. Do you know Logan from YouTube or Vine, though?" Jay says and I finally meet his eyes.


Out of no where, Logan freaks out, making the bird hang onto him tighter, and grabs a camera that was set somewhere in the living room.

"Logang! She don't know me! I'm hurt!!" Logan says pressing his hand against his heart. I almost feel bad, but I'm too confused to feel any regret in what I just said.

Logan comes over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. The camera that he is holding in his right hand is pointing towards us.

"I guess me and Miss Sophia need to get to know eachother a little more, huh?" Logan says looking at the camera then down at me.

I meet eyes with the blonde and make a unsure look on my face.

"I think that's a must" says Jay from behind us as Logan points the camera towards Jay.

"Das my boy." Logan says loudly, almost yelling, and then points the camera back at us two.

"So like, can we go on a date tonight or?" Logan asks with a smirk and then the camera.

I let out a small laugh and simply agree with Logan, assuming it was just for what he was recording.

"Alright! Logang, your boy gonna smash!" Logan yells letting go of me and slightly jumping around.

I shake my head with a smile on my face and look at Jay who's again enjoying the view.

"Brother, I have to get going. I have some places I need to get to." I said and Jay nods.

"Alright!" Jay says and gives me a quick hug goodbye.

"Bye, Logan!" I say loudly so he can hear and he waves goodbye with a huge smile.

I walk out the apartment, closing the door behind me. I really didn't have anywhere to go, but I could not possibly handle so much cuteness from the new blondie.

My Brother's Roommate|Logan Paul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now