Goodnight Kiss

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Sophia's POV
There I sat in a small black dress, at a fancy dinner table, in a fancy restaurant. Jason rambled about his job and his new life that he has had since moving to LA, and me on the other hand, thought about someone's green eyes, someones' s blonde hair, someone's gorgeous smile, and someone's loud, beautiful laughter. All traits that belonged to my brothers roommate.

The palm of my hand rested on my right cheek as my eyes looked at the lights that light up everyone's table. I was distracted, but only because I was bored and didn't want to have this conversation with Jason. I simply just wanted to go home.

"Sophia? Are you listening?" I hear Jason ask. My attention is turned towards him and I force a smile.

"Yeah, Jas. You have a lot of success." I say.

But a complete pain in the ass. How do your bosses put up with you?

"Well, yeah." Jason says with a chuckle.

"At least I have an actual career and not doing some stupid YouTube Channel for a living." Jason snorted with a grin.

My eyes widen with horror. His words cut deep in my heart, a place where no one should even get close to.

"How dare you insult Logey like that? You're an asshole!" I say in disgust.

"Logey? Are you kidding me?" Jason says with a laugh, as if this was a joke.

"What's wrong with giving someone a nickname?" I ask as I cross my arms, anger boiling inside of me.

"Sophia, calm down. I just don't understand why you are standing up for a kid-"

"He's not a kid. He is 22 fucking years old. Get it straight."

"And I'm 24." Jason smirks, believing that he has won.

"Well, Jason. Sucks to be you because I think it's against the law to try and date a child right? If you think that Logan is a child for being 22, then I'm a fucking baby because I'm 20." I say and Jason's smirk quickly fades.

"That's not what-"

I stand up from the table and grab my purse. I take two steps from the table to leave but then I turn and open my mouth to say a last few words.

"And what Logan does is nothing but successful and amazing. You may think you're all that because you have a workplace in a stupid building and he does his job in a apartment that he shares with my brother, but you're nothing compared to him. Not only has he grown fame and recognition from what he does and gets paid for it, he has grown and gained a family. His Logang. And that's something that you could never have. No wonder your family kicked you out the house at age 18."

I turned my heels and walked away. On my way out the restaurant, I ordered an Uber that was just seconds away. When my ride arrived, I got into the car and heard a familiar voice scream and bang on the car window. I ignored and instructed the driver to go.

Getting to my apartment, I felt like going to Logan and trying to explain the whole situation. I feel like he received the wrong idea about the whole thing and I honestly don't want that. I feel more for him than I ever will with Jason.

When I stopped at his apartment, I bring my hand up to nock on the door, but I feel frozen in time. All of a sudden, I grow fear inside and my nerves are kicking in. My palms become sweaty and once I realize, I wipe my hands on my dress. Again, I brought up my hand and once I was about to nock, someone calls out to me.

"Sophia! Please! Okay, I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to say that about your stupid brother's room-"

Logan's POV
I sat at my little office, that was located next to the dining room table, editing my vlog. As I was in the middle of clicking "save" I started to hear yelling outside my door.

I sat there in my rolling chair, not knowing what to do.

"Jason! He's not stupid! You are! Jesus Christ!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I look over to Jay's room to see if he would check the door, but he doesn't come out.

I decide to check, so I stand up from my seat and walk over to the front door. As I was twisting the door nob, I could hear a man's voice yell, "I don't care! I love you!"

I take the chance and open the door. There I stand and see Sophia and her date kissing in front of my shared apartment. I let go of the nob, speechless of my view. I could see that Sophia notices me and quickly shoves Jason away.

"L-Logan..This is-"

I bring my pointer finger up and stop her mid sentence. I was angry and slightly disappointed inside, but I was also growing a sense of uncaring in me. And that's not me at all.

Sophia's date, Jason, I assume, looks at me with fear in his eyes. I bring my finger down and eye Jason with disgust and anger.

Looking back at Sophia, I could almost feel my face soften, but then I think about her kissing Jason. I thought nothing else but her lips on his, and that's not how the story was supposed to go.

"You could have just told me you were already talking to someone." I said last before walking back into the apartment and shutting the door closed, locking it.

I pressed my ear against the door and I could hear her soft voice say my name. Guilt and sadness is heard. But I feel numb.

Once I hear nothing but silence, a tear rolls down my face and I let it go. I don't wipe it or even sob. I simply let that one tear fall down towards my neck as my hand gripped the door nob and the urge to destroy anything in my way.

My Brother's Roommate|Logan Paul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now