Our New Chapter

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Sophia's POV
It's been a year since the broken times. It's been one year since broken hearts existed and a game had ended. A lot happened after I took my visit to my mom's grave. Me and Logan somehow worked things out, he broke it off with Chloe (that did not end well) and Jason ended up getting jail time, in which for me, is good. 

To update you in my life a little bit, I am officially Logan Paul's girlfriend, Logan Paul is my boyfriend, and if you are asking how that happened, let's take a step back.

It was a few days after the event that occurred had happened. I had not been sleeping in my room, instead, I was sleeping on the couch, and I receive a message from Logan.

Baby Boy💕: Hey, can you come over so that I can end my vlog with you?
Baby Boy💕: Logang loves you babe :)

Me: Sure, Logey
Me: Be there in 5 

I get up from my spot and head into my bedroom to get into the bathroom. I fixed my hair and made sure my makeup was not smeared everywhere. I went into my closet and put on my oversized Maverick Hoodie that Logan gave to me to make me feel better and with that, I walked out my apartment.  

I went into the apartment next door and knocked on the wooden door. No one opened and I knocked again for the second time. Finally, when no one opened the door the third time, I twisted the nob and the door was open. I was not surprised being that Logan has the habit to leave the door open at times, Jay didnt mind.

The lights were off when I walked in and everything was dark expect for small little lights shining in the air, being attached to papers that were hanging from the ceiling. The windows that gave you a view to the balcony were covered, but you could see that there were dim lights shining up the place. The apartment was lit up only by those tiny little lights on the papers. 

I looked at the first paper that was in front of me and read it out loud.

"When I was down, you brought me up. You taught me the meaning of love." I read and immediately, a path of lights are turned on  that are filled in with white pedals. I start to notice that the little papers were following the path. I walked down the pedal path and read the next one.

"You make me smile. You make me laugh. When you were gone, it was impossible to put you in my past." I smiled at the note and read the other.
"You either love me or your hate me. I know you don't hate me. So I dare you to love me." the paper read and I remember the Instagram post that brought us to have a conversation for the first time in forever.

"Why does every love song remind me of you? Why cant I make my mind up and decide what to do?" I was confused over the words, but even then, I moved on to the next card. "This could of been just between us, but I want the whole Universe to know that I love you." There was an arrow on the card pointing to the door that leads you out the balcony.

My heart was pounding against my chest as I opened the door to the balcony and soon saw lights shining up the place and white roses placed everywhere. I saw Logan in his Maverick Gold Zip Up with a big pair of white roses in his hands. Brendan was behind him recording the whole thing.

My eyes tear up and I cover my face in awe and embarrassment. Logan chuckles and hands me the roses in his hands.

"I dont know if it's the way you talk or the way your personality is put so perfectly or even the way you make me feel when I hold you. But all I know is that I am madly in love with you and I want to spend not only one chapter in my life with you, but hopefully, my whole life till our last breathe. There are no words to describe how you make me feel, but I do know that I can be comfortable around you and be myself around you without wishing I was gone." Logan laughs and I giggle. "So, what I'm trying to say is that, will you be my girlfriend?"

It took 5 words for my whole world to change and flip around for the good. I felt blessed and more happier than ever. I was glad to be able to call someone mine and to be actually happy with that person. I felt complete.

After a while though, that while being now, me and Logan decided to get a house of our own after a year of dating and leaving the apartment (the one he shared with my brother) to Jay and his new girlfriend. Oh yeah, Jay has a girlfriend and her name is Alissa. Very cute couple.

But anyway.

Now in the present time.

I set down the brown box in the new floor in my new home. I huffed and redid my ponytail l, seeing Logan walk in with another 2 boxes. The house was big enough for everything we have, even to add much more. With Logans success and earnings along with mine, we were able to buy a beautiful home that seemed more like a mansion.

Kong, Logan's dog, runs in the house with a loud bark bouncing off the walls and then running out to the backyard through the open door that Logan opened for him. I smiled at the little puppy and then looked at Logan who was blogging the whole thing.

"If there is one thing that I have learned today, that is that MOVING IS A BITCH!" Logan yelled and I covered my ears from how echo the house was from its emptiness. "Ooohhh" Logan says turning the camera to me. "But look at my girl, bro. Ahhh, I'm blessed!" Logan says running over to me and giving me a big hug.

"I really am." He says again and then starts doing a house tour.

Later on that night, we were done placing everything in its place in our room. We were cuddling in our bed when there was a knock at the door.

Me and Logan went downstairs and opened the door to see a familiar brunette at the door.

"Hi! I'm Chl-" the girl says and then noticing that we have already met.

Logans body stiffens and I grab his arm, looking at Chloe in front of us.

"Uh, hey." She says and Logan runs a hand through his hair.

"You live next door?" Logan asks and she nods.

The way things ended between them was not healthy nor "good." I didn't even know how they were even talking right now.

"Well, I hope that we can be on good terms." Chloe says sounding a bit off. Logan nods and they both look at me.

"Yeah, we can do that. After all, the past is the past. I just wish for all of us to get what we want and be happy with it and it seems to be like we all want peace. So let the peach begin!" I say in a happy tone even though I was not close to being happy to see Chloe.

"Cool! So, hope to see you around!" Chloe says and waves goodbye before walking off.

"That went, awkward." Logan says and I chuckle nodding my head.

"For sure." I say and sigh a little.

"Dont worry, babe. Things will be okay." Logan reassures and kisses my lips.

I have what I want and I hope it stays like that.

Chloe's POV
Be careful for what you wish for.


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