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Sophia's POV
It seemed like everyday felt the same. There was less motion. Less sound. And less color. The air was still, no love surrounding it, and my heart was empty. My brain seemed to be out of things to think about. I now only stare out the window with a blank expression. Nothing runs through my mind anymore and if something does, then it's a name. Logan.

I'm tired of almost everything at this moment and I hated the feeling of being tired. Being in LA for yet another year was not the move for me, at least I think so. Nothing in my life has changed but moving homes and my love life, in which is not the level I want it to be.

I wanted my mom. I have never felt more alone. Not even my stupid boyfriend is here with me. Or is that not what boyfriends do?

Once again, I hear the beep of my heart machine come into my ears after blocking them out for a while. I look at the white machine that showed my heart rate and a green zig zagged line and sighed. My eyes looked back at the window before I hear the door open. I kept looking at the window, caring less who was checking up on me or visiting.

"Sophia?" I hear Jay's voice say. All of a sudden, I actually care. A smile forms on my face and I turn around to face my brother. He returns the smile.

"Hi brother" I say and reach for his hand. He holds his hand in mine and he pulls up a chair, sitting next to my bed.

"What's bring you around here?" I ask and Jay shrugs as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Oh, I don't know. My sister named Sophia Nicole is in the hospital and the doctors won't let her come home?" Jay says and I chuckle.

I forgot how it felt to have a brother at my side. I missed it and I never noticed until now.

"Well, I guess what brings you around is me." I say and Jay nods his head with a smile.

Silence fills the room and I look at the blank TV screen. I could almost feel the urging thoughts of Jay's to scream at me and tell me what he's thinking, but I know he doesn't dare to.

"Tell me, Jay. What's up?" I say, looking back at the window. The happiness and color that poured on me was now faded and everything was back to black and grey.

"There is something going on, Sophia. I know that you don't like talking to me about your problems, and that's fine, but I think I should lowkey be informed when it's about Logan." Jay says.

I quickly remove my hand from his and look at Jay with shock.

"There is nothing going on with Logan-"

"Then why has he been wearing gold sunglasses in and out of the house to cover up the red puffy eyes he has from crying almost every night?" Jay snaps back and I'm taken back by his description of Logan.

"Logan is the type of person who hates to be sad and loves to be filled with humor and joy, but lately, he's been faking it so everyone else is happy. " Jay says again. I look at the window that let's in the sunlight. "You are both playing eachother, hurting eachother, because you are both believing a lie." Jay continues.

Then comes denial. Denial flows in my veins and I couldn't help but grow frustrated inside. I wanted to scream and punch these walls till my knuckles were bleeding. I was angry. Not at Logan or at Jay for telling me this, but at myself.

Myself. Myself. Because I'm playing this game even though I didn't start it. I went along with it. I went and dated someone else and Logan did the same. I got jealous.

"I'm not going to say you're wrong." I said bluntly. "So I'm going to say that you are right."
Logan's POV
"Logang! That is the vlog! Get yourself some of the hottest merch at or link in description! And I will see you tomorrow! Take it easy, fammm! Peace!"

The vlog was cut after I shook my hair into the lens and Brendan shut the camera off. Soon after, Chloe jumped into my arms and started to kiss my neck.

"Chloe, I'm tired." I whined, trying to pull her off, but she just sucked on my neck, leaving a hickey.


"Logeyy! Why are you being so dry lately!" Chloe wondered and I roll my eyes under my gold sunglasses.

"I've just been working non stop and I never have time to relax, okay?" I say and walk out of my apartment without even knowing where I was heading. Before I could make it to the elevator, I stop and head back down the hall.

I passed my apartment and walked over to the next one over. Sophia's. I knocked on the door even though I knew she wasn't home yet. She was still at the hospital and who knows when the doctors would let her come back. As I was turning back to walk down the hall, her door opens.

I turn around to see Jason at the doorway, standing behind the door to hide his body. I started to wonder why. Why he was shirtless. Why he was hiding. And who else is hiding in there?

"What do you want blondie?" Jason says. I laugh at the name.

"Nothing. I didn't think anyone would be home. " I said and Jason groaned.

"Whatever." He says as he was closing the door. I pressed my hand against the long wooden door, holding it back from shutting close.

Jason looked at me with slight panic in his eyes, no longer looking into mine.

"Have you gone to see Sophia?" I ask and Jason shakes his head, looking at the floor.

"No, I've been busy."

"Fucking someone else?"

Jason finally meets eyes with me and suddenly, he's putting force on the door again to close the door. I hold it down and come closer to the little gap that was making Jason visible behind the door.

"If you are fucking someone else other than Sophia, it's your ass." I say and let go of the door, walking down the hall for the second time.

My Brother's Roommate|Logan Paul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now