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Logan's POV
Arriving at the apartment, I opened the front door and the sounds of yells and screams fill my ears. Confusion rushes to me when I turn to the corner and see Jay trying to control an upset Chloe Bennet. 

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" I questioned, coming closer to where my bedroom was located. Chloe looks at me with anger in her eyes and Jay's expression is nothing but concern. I was worried, being that I didnt know if I did anything wrong. Did I? 

"You fucking idiot!" Chloe yells before bringing up her hand and the palm of her hand hitting the left side of my face, leaving a stinging sensation of my left cheek. I touched my face and felt the burning of her fingerprints on my cheek.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say calmly even though the blood in me was boiling with annoyance and anger.

"You are nothing but a cheater and I cant believe that I even fell in love with your dumbass!!" Chloe yells and I furrow my eyebrows, unsure on what she is talking about.

"What are you even saying? Are you okay? There is no other girl!" I say as I start to raise my voice. Chloe groans and walks into my room.

I look at Jay who is standing there, unsure of what to do. I eye him, basically asking him what's going on, and he shrugs. I walk into my bedroom and find Chloe sitting on the edge of my bed as she has a few sheets of paper next to her, phone in hand. Seconds later, she was pulling up a photo on her phone and turning the screen so I can see it. It was a picture of me and Sophia up on the helipad, laughing and smiling. I almost smile remembering that moment.

"Okay and?" I say as I look at Chloe and she rolls her eyes.

"You never act like that with me and look at this." Chloe says and grabs the pieces of paper.

Quickly, I notice the writing. I grab the papers and see the letters that I wrote for Sophia when I needed to let my emotions out. I thought I had hid them away.

You dont know how much it hurts to know that I'm not him. How I'm not the one holding your hand as we walk down the streets of Hollywood or how I'm not the one that gets to pull you close when you need someone to hold you. It hurts me and it cuts me so bad, you dont even know.

I've never felt the way I feel for you for anyone. I know that sounds cliche, but it's an honest statement. You're beautiful, honest, crazy, weird, and perfectly imperfect.

Sometimes, I wish I could have told you these things on our first date. But now I think it's too late. Or is it? I never want you to believe that I hate you, I dont. At this moment, we simply have very separate love lives that have strictly come in between what we could have had.

I see how Jason makes you smile and I dont want to take that away. I'm not the type of guy ANYONE would date. I know that Jason is like the better version of me. Either way, I still want you to understand how easy you made me fall for you-

Chloe snatches the letter from my hand as a smile was starting to form on my face.

"Stop." She says simply and hands me the other letter.

Baby girl,
I miss you. Was it so much of a secret? I dont think so. Jay constantly asks me if I'm okay and I always lie. I say that I'm fine. I cry just a little every night before I go to sleep, and yes, I know how much of a coward move that is. But guys cry too, mostly when they are in love with someone they clearly can't have.

But yesterday, you went to the hospital and I can't tell you how much it killed me to know that you were in bed hurting. For the first time, I opened up to you even though you couldn't hear me. I told you that I loved you and how-

She snatched it away again. I was getting annoyed being that I actually wanted to finish reading what I wrote.

"Cheater." Chloe said again and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't cheat, Chloe. We had a smallish  thing in the past, but it's over now. We are just great friends. That's all." I said and she laughs.

"In the past? I think the letter you were currently holding was recent, Logan. Dont play games with me." She said and I looked down with frustration.

Maybe I was a cheater at this point. My heart never had screamed Chloe Bennet, yet, I was still with her. I loved Sophia and only Sophia.

"Just because I say "I love you" that does not mean that I love her as a girlfriend or crush or whatever. I love her as a friend and always will. I expect for you to respect that just like I respect everything you do." I say, somewhat lying.

Chloe softens and looks down at the letters again. She throws them in the trash and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry..." she says and I just eye the trash can that contained the pieces of paper with my writing.

"Its fine"
Chloe and me talked a while longer and then she left back home. Once she was walking out the door, I made my way over to the trash can and grabbed the letters.

I knew I couldn't have the letters in my apartment, so I wrapped them up and put then in an envelope. I sealed the white envelope and wrote Baby Girl♡ on the front. Before I could get caught, I leave the letters at the foot of Sophia's door and run back to my apartment once I gave her door a knock.

Standing inside my apartment by the front door, pressing my ear against it, I hear Sophia's door open slowly. Moments later, the door closes.

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