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Logan's POV
I love you means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I will stand by your side even through the worst of times. It means loving you in your bad mood, or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you are down, not just when you are fun to be with. I love you means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return that you don't judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough to not let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, and hoping you feel the same way for me-

Please, say you do.

Sophia's POV
The door swings open and Chloe comes into my view. Her brown colored her rested on her shoulders and she gave me a smile with a look on her face that said the opposite of what she was trying to express by that formation of her lips.

"Is my brother home?" is the first thing that leaves my mouth. Chloe looks back into the apartment.

"Um, I dont know? Come on in." She said, stepping away from the door.

I walked inside the apartment, thinking about how much she was acting like she lived here. I chuckled to myself and stopped walking when a pair of green eyes met mine.

"Hey." I said with a small innocent smile.

"Hi, Soph." Logan said as he sat on the couch with his arm resting on the armrest.

Chloe comes and sits on Logan's lap, his face expression changing to uncomfortable. Her arms wrapped around her neck and he lazily wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Babe, Sophia is asking if Jay is here. Is he?" Chloe says with a tiny tone and I could almost feel my blood start to boil. I could tell she brought me here on purpose to show me that I was in love with her property.

"Naw. Jay went out with a friend. Why? Something I could possibly help with?" Logan asks and I smile.

"Actually, yes. Maybe you can. There is a lightbulb in my room that I can't properly screw in. Can you help me with that?" I questioned and I could see the spark in his eye.

"Of course." Logan says and throws Chloe off of his lap.

He gets up and starts walking towards the front door. I followed behind and I could feel two eyes burning on my back. I smirked to myself and walked out the door.

We walked into my apartment. The confidence in me started to drain out when I noticed that I didn't know what else to say. I lost my direction.

Logan made his way over to the dining area and looked at the untouched roses on the table. His body stiffens and he looks down to the floor.

"Do you even tell people who gave them to you?" Logan asks and I look at him. Our eyes meet and the excitement in his eyes were gone. Sadness filled his face and my heart started to beat fast against my chest. I walked over to the roses and picked up the vase, careful to not drop any more pedals.

"Yeah. I do. I once told Jason that these roses were given to me by someone I loved." I said and instantly felt his eyes on me, but my eyes stayed glued to the almost dead roses.

"What did you just say?" I heard.

I never gotten close to saying the 3 words to Logan and I still think I'm not ready to say it, but the bad bitch in me over powered me and now I'm left with no instructions. That bad bitch is long gone.

"What part?" I say and placed the flowers on the counter in the kitchen to change the water.

"The part where you said you loved me." Logan says.

The words leaving his mouth brought chills down my spine. I bite my lip from nervousness and I looked at him directly in the eyes.

"I thought I loved you" I said and walked past him, walking to the dining room table again.

"Oh, so now you dont?" Logan says raising his voice slightly.

"That's not the point!" I yell and looked at Logan. "You played a game that I didn't know how to play. I didn't know the rules and I fucked up."

"Maybe if you wouldn't have lied to me, we would have started something healthy, Sophia." I hear Logan say. I crossed my arms across my chest.

"I lied to you? You're the one that believed Jason about our 'relationship' that was not even real at the time that he told you. The guy was obsessed with me! The only guy I wanted to call mine was you! YOU! and yet you still choose to believe that stupid brat against me. That's fucked up." I say and walk into the living room feeling anger rush into me.

"If it wasn't true, then why all of a sudden you were with Jason? Huh?" Logan says growing frustrated.

Memories filled my brain and I then couldn't hold back anymore.

"I WAS JEALOUS! OUT OF NO WHERE, CHLOE FUCKING BENNET WAS IN THE PICTURE AND I FELT JEALOUS!!" I yelled suddenly. Logan looked taken back by my words. I gripped my hair and pulled on it slightly from annoyance. "She was the one holding you, touching you, calling her yours, and I wanted to do that. I wanted to be the one. But I was wrong. You had me fall in love with you and now I'm so in love with the color of your eyes, you beautiful blonde hair, your soft pale skin- I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF YOU! I t-thought you f-felt the same but like always I was wrong about that too." I hadn't noticed I was crying until now, feeling the coldness of my tears fall against my cheek. "You meant so much to me. And yes, I fell in love in one day. What's so wrong with that? I thought we could have had something special, but of course my chance, our chance, was blown off because Jason forced himself on me and kissed me. And of course you believed him. And of fucking course, my life is fucked up." I say last, taking in a deep breathe.

My eyes went shut and I sobbed quietly, turning around. My back now faces Logan and I could feel some sort of guilt roam the air. I felt terrible. I guess getting cheated on makes you do stupid things, but at least we had that talk that was supposed to happen long ago. I opened up and honestly, I was too tired to continue this conversation.

I felt like no air was getting into my lungs and I can already feel my makeup coming off my face.

"Sophia- I... I'm sorry..." I hear Logan whisper softly. I knew he meant it, but my heart didn't.

"There is no lightbulb. You can leave now." I say coldly.

A few seconds later, I hear footsteps moving away from me, and slowly my heart broken even more on the floor.

Part of me wanted him to stay and hold me, begging me to forgive him. But the other part of me wanted nothing, not even an apology. I slid down to the floor and hugged my legs, making myself into a little ball.

He was gone. But I had made him.

"I love you.." I whispered.

My Brother's Roommate|Logan Paul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now