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Sophia's POV
I couldn't sleep at all last night due to the event that happened before then. All I could think about was the pain in Logan's eyes. All I could hear were his angered words. All I could see was the hurt Logan, the side that I know he hates to show.

My phone was blowing up with unwanted messages from Jason. Apologies, most likely, but I knew in me that Jason is proud of his actions from last night. He saw what I saw in Logan.

I sat in bed with my hands folded across my lap as I stared at the wall that had my TV. The screen was black. Nothing was on. My breathing was stable, but increasing at random times when Logan came into my mind.

I hear fumbling at the front door, but I could care less. Seconds later, I see my brother walk into my bedroom with a confused expression.

"Did something go on with you and Logan?" Jay asked and I let out a fake laugh.

"Everything is perfect" I say continuing to look at the turned off TV.

Jay notices that something is up from how he is looking at me. I finally make eye connection with him and sigh.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because last night his eyes were red before he angrily picked up his phone and called someone, a girl, I think." Jay says and I feel my heart break into millions of pieces. "And I think that's the girl that he's hanging with right now, actually. Her name is Chloe Bennet." Jay continues with a small smile.

I couldn't return the smile back. I was breaking inside and I knew it was my fault somehow. I could have explained myself right there and then but I felt like something was holding me back.

I felt the tears form in my eyes as I look down at my hands. The room immediately became extremely warm and everything seemed to be falling. It hasn't even been a 2 days and I already miss him. I've only known the guy 3 days, now.

"Sophia?" Jay said softly, taking a few steps towards me. I didn't dare look up at him.

"What's wrong, sis? Are you not on good terms with Logan? I thought you liked eachother? Do you not approve of him?" Jay asked and I shake my head, wiping the few tears that spilled out.

"It's not that, he's perfect. Honestly, he is. We just, something happened last night and he recieved the wrong idea I guess." I said with a sigh.

Jay sat next to me on my bed and rubbed his hand on my back, giving me that brotherly comfort. For the first time, in a while, Jay is trying to comfort me and it feels nice.

"Look, I know that you'll get through with this okay? I promise. Logan just needs to get his head straight and you need to talk to him. And I think I have that opportunity for you right now." Jay says and I look up at him with my now red eyes.


"I want you to come cook Mom's famous spaghetti. Please?" Jay pleaded and I chuckle a little.

"Alright." I say.

We both get up from my bed and I get dressed for the day. Jay waits for me in the kitchen as he munches on my snacks.

Once I'm dressed in some yoga pants and a black tight shirt with my hair up in a messy bun, me and Jay walk over to his apartment.

As the door opens, I am welcomed to a girl laughter and Logan's loud voice. My heart pounds faster against my chest as I walk into the apartment.

"Well, Logang! That's the vlog. I know it was short, but trust me, big things coming soon! I love you and I'll see you tomorrow! Take it easy, fam! Peace!" I hear Logan say and I get the honor of watching Logan shake his head into the lens of the camera, shutting off the vlog.

Once the front door closes, Logan's eyes meet with mine. I feel like time has gone in slow motion once his hand finds the bottom half of the girl's, I assume Chloe's, back.

"Chloe, this is Jay's sister, Sophia." Logan says with a serious, yet light, tone.

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Chloe says with a small smile, extending out her hand for a hand shake. Coldly, I shook her hand and then sighed.

"Soph is going to cook us something that our mom used to make. Is that okay?" Jay asks and Chloe nods her head. Logan grows stiff.

"Yeah. Sure, man. It's whatever." Logan says and walks into his bedroom. The new girl follows behind him and the door closes. 

As the door shuts, I feel myself break again for the 100th time. I don't believe I have ever felt so alone and empty. 

"Soph.." Jay says, almost in a whisper. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen, preparing to cook my mom's special meal.
Jay's POV
Chloe had left a few minutes ago and now it was just me, Logan, and Sophia in the house. Either way, the energy between Logan and Sophia was not so cute and happy as it was at first.

I never believed in love at first sight, but I knew that love was clearly shown when Logan and Sophia first landed eyes on each other. It's been a while since I've seen Sophia that happy, that's why I want to help her fix her problems with Logan. She's been busy taking care of me when I should be taking care of her. A few months ago, her actions towards me were nothing and I cared little. Now, it's a different story.

As Sophia cooked lunch/dinner for us, I went to Logan's bedroom door and knocked. It was a few seconds before I heard Logan's voice say "come in."

I open the door and see him on his computer, probably editing his vlog or going through emails. His green eyes look at mine and he shoots me a smile.

"What's up, bro!" Logan greets and I chuckle as I shut the door. I walked over to an empty chair that he had placed in his room. I sat down and looked at Logan who was putting his computer to the side. 

"Hey, um, I know I probably should not be putting my nose in other's problems, but what exactly is going on with you and my sister?" I ask and Logan's smile is tempted to fade. 

"Nothing, man. Why?" Logan says, a look of concern filling his face.

"Things seem to be off with you two, you know?" I say and Logan shrugs as if he didnt give a care in the world.

"Everything is fine, Jay." Logan says and grabs his computer again.

I didnt want to force him into telling me the whole story, but I knew this situation was affecting him as well.

"Talk to her, Logan. She really needs you." I say as I get up. I could feel Logan glance over at me for a split second, but then his eyes become glued to his computer again. 

I walked out of his room and looked over at Sophia who was at the sink, gripping the edge of the sink tightly.

It's like I could feel her pain.

My Brother's Roommate|Logan Paul FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now