Pretty Girl

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Logan's POV
I was heart broken, but that seemed to be normal now in days. This hurt was causing me to lose motivation and emotion. I had even lost interest in vlogging, but I knew I loved to do it. At the moment, though, it was just something that I didn't want to do at the moment.

"Earth to Logan." I hear someone say. I look up from my computer and see Brenden looking at me with a concern look.

"Sorry, man." I say and rub my face, trying to rub the thoughts away.

"When are we going to start recording?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I think I'm going to take a few days off from social media until I get my shit situated." I say and Brenden tilts his head, clear confusion filling him.

"Are you sure you are the Logan Paul? Bro, something would really have to hit hard to make you take a break from doing what you love." He says and I nod.

"And something did." I said and looked down at my computer again.

I didn't want to let down the Logang, but when something has to be done, it has to be done.

"We wont be filming anything today. I'll record something on my own." I inform Brenden and he nods as be takes a seat in the living room area.

I grab my camera and set it down somewhere on the table where it was at eye level with me. I turn it on, make sure its recording, and sit down on a chair. I huff out and set my hands on the table, already setting a serious tone.

"I know this is not the usual, and you all know how much I hate saying that, but sometimes it has to be done." I set my hands on my lap and stare into the camera lens. "Some things have been happening in my personal life that, I will not lie, have been really getting to me. I have lost inspiration and- it's just all very hard, Logang." 

I look down and a picture of that innocent face comes into my mind. How I wanted to just hug her at this moment. 

"I've lost something more than special to me and now I fighting in a war with myself? If that makes sense?" I look at the ceiling and think for a split second. "What I am trying to say is that I can't continue vlogging and doing what I love that takes so much happiness and motivation to do when I don't have that energy. I feel weak, empty, and I guess you can say, even slightly depressed." My heart clenched as the words left my mouth. I never believed I would ever be truly saying that. "Yeah, I'm pretty surprised myself." I say and chuckle a little. "I just need to be out of social media for a while and get my everything straighten out. But till then, I love you, and this has been Logan Paul Vlogs." 
Sophia's POV
I was leaning against the railing of the balcony with a notebook and pencil in hand. I was struggling with myself a lot since the "talk" with Logan the other day. I feel an emotion of sadness and guilt, along with feeling like I am being labeled.

Everything going on in my present life at the moment was making me feel like I am just an unknown. On social media, I am known as the pretty girl who knows Logan Paul. In everyone else's mind, I am known as the girl who is happy and does not give a shit about anything. But that is not true at all. People don't know me. But I guess part is my fault because I tend to isolate myself often now. I want that to change. 

I tapped my pencil on the notepad, creating small little pencil marks on the corner of my notebook paper. I wanted to write something, a poem, song, whatever it came out to be. I wanted to write it. 

My phone went off with notifications again. I sighed and grabbed my phone, checking my Instagram that was blowing up. 

@itsSophia: Someday's I can be a bitch

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@itsSophia: Someday's I can be a bitch

@cecemarlie: tell me about it gurl
@jakepaul: Don't lie to yourself, beautiful. You just have an attitude lol
@lovelynessa: You look so pretty in this photo! I'm in love!!
@SimplyMe: Bitch? Eh. Naw.
@KarenMk: Bro. I hate it when people lie to me and you know that. So why r u lying.

I put my phone down from where I had first set it and sigh. 

"But I'm not just- wait." I say to myself and rush over to my notebook. I start to scribble down some words on the blank piece of paper.

I can swear, I can joke.
I say what's on my mind, if I drink, if I smoke. I keep up with the guys.
And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world.
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls.
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl 

I smiled down at my paper where I had written my emotions. I start to think again and then I grab my phone, clicking on the recording app. When I set up to record, I set down my phone and paced back and forth thinking of lyrics or words.

"'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl" I repeated singing my words that I had written a few seconds ago. "I'm more than just a picture. I'm a daughter and a sister. There's more to me than people know- wait. no." I say and rewind back. "I'm a daughter and a sister. Sometimes it's hard for me to show, that I'm more than just a rumor or a song on your computer. There's more to me than people know. " 

I jumped in excitement and continued with my song.

"Someday's I'm broke. Someday's I'm rich. Someday's I'm nice. Someday's I can be a bitch-"

"Yeah, you're right about that." I hear someone say behind me. I freeze in my steps and don't dare look back. "You blame me for cheating and you won't forgive me, and now you're little blondie is so heartbroken by you that he even made a video where he isnt going to vlog anymore. Oh, how sad." I heard again and tears started to silently stream down my face. "You are a bitch." 

Not even seconds later, my hair was being pulled back. 

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