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Logan's POV
I sat in her hospital room next to her bed as she laid there with a bandage over her head and multiple cuts and bruises on her skin where the pavement ground had hit hard against her body. When I heard that yell, I knew it was her voice. But, I was too late to even save her. A puddle of blood was forming around her. 

I left Chloe behind, not even caring about her for a moment. She wasnt the one that I cared about the most. It was Sophia. 

My thoughts were everywhere. I was the only one here at the hospital at the moment, so I was alone. My thoughts and memories keeping me company. Tears were daring to stream down my face, but I blinked them away. 

"I'm sorry.." I whispered as I crawled myself over to her bed. I was on my knees with my hands on her bed, grabbing hers. "For everything." I say again. I kissed her hand multiple times until the only thing kissing her were my tears. 

Seeing her go through physical pain, made me go through it as well. My whole body hurt, my heart hurt. Since we've both been gone, I felt that way. Not even Chloe could make me feel the way I feel about her. I knew what I felt for Sophia. I did LOVE her, but the times that I see her with Jason, she seems much happier and I dont want to take that away.

I'm not thinking that I am not enough, no. I do think I can make her happy and spoil her with all my love and support, but I'm just another guy in her book, most likely. People who see me on the screen probably dont think I ever feel pain or hurt or even regret, but I do. That's what I told Sophia on our first date. Even then, I am starting to think that she is believing that I dont have emotions when I do. 

"Because I love you, Sophie." I choked out. "I fucking love you and I cant help it." I said, wrapping her hand in mine. 

My eyes were becoming red and puffy from crying out the hurt running in my veins. I just wanted her to know that, even though I know she doesnt hear me at this moment. I'd have to leave her anyway. She deserves better. I know she does. I am just a blonde choch. 

I'm at the moment where I wish I had never found her. Because maybe then, we both wouldnt be hurting. Yes, both.

"Logan?" I hear. I look up and see Sophia start to wake up.

I quickly stand up from the floor and wipe my eyes. I sniffed and looked at her.

"Yes, Sophie? I'm right here." I say, setting my hand on top of hers as if I didnt already do that. Her touch against mine had a spark, more alive, now that she was awake.

"Where am I?" Sophia asks and I look around and hear the beeping of her monitor.

"In the hospital, Soph.." I said in a whisper, loud enough for her to hear me.

Her eyes widen and she looked around the room with panic in her eyes. Her breathing starts to increase and she grips my hand tightly.

"No no no. You pushed me!" Sophia yelled and confusion washed over me.

"What? What are you even saying?" I say, letting go of her and walking backwards, taking a few steps back.

Sophia looks at me with regret and terror.

"L-Last were with me?" Sophia says and I was quick to shake my head no.

"That can't be. You were there. You were there, god damnit!" Sophia yelled and I flinched back as her voiced bounced off the walls.

I was shook my her reaction. I would have expected at least a hello or a simply conversation, but now she claims me as the reason she's in the hospital?

"Sophia. I wasn't with you last night. I fucking saw you fall. That's all that happened!" I said back. Sophia glared at me.

"I swear on everything that it was you. You. You. You!" Sophia continues and the heart machine starts to beat rapidly.

Nurses and doctors rush into the hospital room and around 3 doctors hold her down as another held a shot with a long needle, making the liquid squirt out a little.

My heart was starting to beat as fast as Sophia's, and soon, I was yelling at the doctors and pleading them to let her go.

"Sir, you have to go." 2 nurses say, holding me back. As I was about to push them away, 2 other doctors came to the rescue and pulled me back and out of the room.

The door to her hospital room went shut and the 2 doctors looked as me, wondering if to give me the same treatment as they are to Sophia.

"I'm fine." I say to them. I pull the tips of my blonde hair roughly as I ran my hand through the mess in frustration. "I just care about her, but it's clear that I just can't."

Sophia's POV
I woke up and the room was being lit up by only one ceiling light. I looked around to my surroundings and see the white walls, machines, and the needles on my arms, and even the ugly gown that was covering my body.

It wasn't a dream.

My memory started to come back to me and soon, I remember when I did to Logan just before I was put to sleep. That part of him throwing me off the balcony was the only dream about this.

I started to wonder how he was doing and if I had triggered him or not. I hoped not.

I look at a chair that had my belongings on it, including my phone and my bloody clothes that probably should have been thrown away. I reach carefully for my phone and once I had it in hand, I start going through it. I see a message.

Logan♡: Hey, Sophia. I don't know if you'll remember, but I stopped by earlier and it didn't go as planned. They put you back to sleep. Anyway, I hope you are doing well if you are reading this message. And I wanted to let you know that I won't be coming back to see you. I think you made it clear that I'm just as easy target to claim that I almost caused your death. I know that's bad to say, but how do u think I feel right now? Well, I'll inform Jay about you. Maybe he'll go see you.

Logan♡: Oh, and also, I'll still talk to you. Just understand that I am hurt at the moment. See you later. Take it easy, Sophia.

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