"Moving On"

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Sophia's POV
After dinner, Jay went into his room to give me and Logan some privacy. Except, I was on my phone and Logan was sitting at his mini office on his computer.

I was afriad to make the first move, but I knew that was the only way I could have a chance to talk to him.

I set down my phone with a loud thud making Logan look over into my direction.

"Be careful." He mumbled and looked back onto his screen. I sighed.

"Logan, we need to talk." I say and he let's out a small chuckle as he shuts his computer closed.

"Nothing to talk about." Logan says and walks over to the refrigerator, taking out a water bottle.

"Logan, yes there is. What happened last night was never meant to happen. Jason is no one." I explained, standing up from my chair and walking over to him.

Our eyes met once he had a sip from his water and looked down at me. When we were really close, our height difference became intense being that he looks like he's about to pick a physical fight. Saying this, my nerves start to kick in.

"Jason is no one? Really?" Logan says placing his water on the counter and crossing his arms.

"Logan, I'm being fucking serious with you. He truly is no one."

Logan's green eyes grow angry and annoyed. When I first met him, he seemed to be very understanding and forgiving. But, I'm not sure that side is available at this very moment.

"Explain then. Why in the hell did Jason come over here and tell me to fuck off because you were taken and that you had been lying to me this whole time? Hm?" Logan says with his tone growing louder and angrier.

My eyes widen at his words.

"W-what? No, Logey-"

"My name is Logan." He says, making me shatter into millions of pieces.

"I s-swear that me and Jason are nothing. I didn't know-"

"Save it, Sophia. For once in my life, I actually felt something real for someone. I thought it was possible. But you fucked that all up. If you wouldn't have lied to me, we would have still been friends. I'm not going to kick you out from my home because you're Jay's sister and he's become one of my best friends, but don't ever try to start something with me again. I mean it, Sophia. I have someone else now. We both have someone now." Logan said into my face.

Every word cut me deep in my heart, but the more he talked, the more my pain became annoyance and frustration, even jealousy.

"Fine then. I'm with fucking Jason. I was starting to like you but now I'm over it. You moved on so easily so I guess I will too. If you hear moaning coming from my apartment, don't be too surprised, Logan fucking Paul!" I yelled and rushed out the apartment.

I was over all this mess. I tried to explain things to him, but he chooses to believe someone that I have always slightly hated in the inside.

As I stood outside my apartment in the hallway, I called up Jason.

"Hey, Soph! What's up?" Jason answered. I cleared my throat and acted excitement in my voice.

"Nothing much! Just bored, ya know. I was calling to ask if you would like to go on a second date, just for the fun of it." I said biting my pointer finger as I started to feel like I was going to regret this sooner or later.

"Really?! Sure, Sophie! I'll be over in 30 minutes, is that cool?" Jason asks and I sighed quietly to myself.

"Yeah, that's fine. But, can we not go out for dinner? I may have already eaten." I admitted.

Jason was cool with everything and decided that we just walk around LA. That actually seemed nice. The more I thought about it, it would have been more nicer if Logan was the one walking hand and hand with me, not Jason. But I can play his stupid game too.

After getting ready, Jason arrives and we head out onto the streets. Since we were going to be walking for most of the time, I decided to wear light blue skinny jeans, a flowery shirt, and white Converse.

For once, Jason wasn't being too touchy or even being annoying. His company was making me feel secure and okay with the world. I was surprised by his actions.

"Hey, Soph..." Jason said shyly and I looked over at him as we started to walk in the same park that me and Logan walked on our first date.

"Yes?" I say and out of no where, Jason stops in his tracks and grabs both of my hands in him.

"I don't want to rush you, but I really do love you. You make me really happy, you don't even know, and I was wondering if sooner or later we'd make this something more. Like, you know?" Jason says. I grow confused.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I question and he nods his head, growing red.

I look around and start noticing that this is the same spot where me and Logan talked deeply about him. This is where he cried to me.

"I love my life, but I sometimes dislike how easily it can change you." Logan says quietly as I wipe away the few tears that had spilled from his eyes.
"People grow up. To grow up, you have to fail somewhere. But that does not mean that you're going to be alone. You're going to lose and you're going to gain. But you're never going to be alone." I said to Logan who was calming down.

My eyes started to tear up thinking about that moment. The moment where honesty and trust was found. Now, that's all gone. All.

"Sophie?" I hear Jason say. Suddenly, I'm brought back to reality where the moment is no where near the same.

I blink a few times and then I hear a shriek come from a distance. Both me and Jason look to find Chloe and Logan a few feet away from where we were.

"Sophia! Logey, look! It's Soph!" Chloe says with an excited tone. I force a smile and grab Jason's hand. I fight the breakdown that is so much wanting to come out as they walk towards us.

I can sense Logan's blood boiling in the inside from seeing me with Jason. Chloe was simply happy.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them both and Chloe smiles looking up at Logan who is carefully flipping his hair to the right.

"Um, I thought that me and Chloe could walk around and you know.." Logan says drifting off in his sentence.

I want to badly roll my eyes but I hold back the urge.

"Well, Chloe, let me introduce my boyfriend, Jason." I say with a fake smile, gripping Jason's arm. Jason's eyes lit up with happiness, while Logan's eyes filled with shock and hurt.

"Awe! You two are a cute couple. Me and Logan just recently hooked up as well, now that we lowkey can, at least." Chloe says with a smile.

My heart dropped. He was already with her. That's why she was around. But I won't blame him, I'm doing the same damn thing.

"That's good. Well, we have to get going. We'll see you around. Bye, Chloe." I said waving goodbye as we started to walk away. "Logan." I said giving my goodbye to him and then walking away without turning back.

My phone vibrated a few moments later once me and Jason walked a far distance. I looked at it and see a new notification.

New Message from Logan♡

Remembering that I gave him my number that same night we went out, I sigh.

Logan♡: Really, Sophia? Why did you take him to OUR spot? You stood there just exactly in the same spot like how we did. The only difference is that it was more special.

Logan♡: P.S. I told you that you were with him, yet you kept denying it.

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