Welcome To Briarcliff

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Monsignor's Point of View

I was sitting in my office, doing paper work, when a knock rang throughout the room and made me jump, slightly.

"Yes, come in." I called, taking my glasses off and looking up towards the door. Upon opening, a young woman walked into the room and I straightened my posture, saying,

"Sister (F/N) (L/N), I presume?" She nodded, holding her hand out to me, and I stood up, shaking her hand firmly.

"Ah, yes, Monsignor." Sister (F/N) spoke, softly, bringing her hand down to her side and glancing around the office, clearly uncomfortable.

"Please. You needn't be so nervous, Sister." I replied, motioning for her to sit across from me and sitting down, hoping to ease her anxiety some.

"I requested the assistance of another Sister here, do you know why?" I asked, folding my hands on the desk and looking at the (hair color) young woman in front of me.

"I figured it was the will of God, Father." She responded, crossing her legs and relaxing.

"Ah, yes. It is, but it seems that I require help here to do God's work." I told her, nodding to myself and earning a generous reply from her,

"Whatever it is that you need assistance with, Father, I will help you."

"Good, Sister." Standing up, I took her bags and showed her to her room, motioning for her to follow. She stood up, smoothing the creases in her black dress, and followed me to the chambers for all the nuns. Placing her belongings in the only empty room, I faced her and explained,

"I need someone to travel with me, Sister (F/N). When I go to various churches, the diocese wishes that I bring a Sister with me. You were recommended very highly by Mother Superior for the position." Her face tinted red and she looked at the ground, replying,

"Father, I'm at a loss for words...I would be honored to save souls with you." Nodding, I forced a smile and bowed my head, slightly.

"Good. Then, Sister I will allow you a couple days to get accustom to life here and then we will be traveling to Boston for a few days." I informed her, putting my hands into my pockets and walking to her room door. She nodded and hummed, saying,

"Thank you, Father." Looking back at her, I hummed and chastised,

"Please, we will be spending quite a bit of time together. Call me Timothy."

"Alright then, Timothy." She replied, making me nod and turning back towards the door, I replied,

"Good day, Sister (F/N)." She called back to me,

"(F/N)...Call me (F/N). It's only fair." I looked back at her and nodded, saying,

"Alright. Then, good day...(F/N)."

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now