Getting Better

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About A Week Later

(Y/N) and I were playing chess, waiting on the doctor to come check on her injuries. Watching her, I felt my focus shift from the game to (Y/N) herself. We had a few more kisses and I couldn't help but question if we had met for a specific reason. 

"Monsignor, what's wrong?" (Y/N) asked, giggling at how I became shocked at her attention. 

"I've told you to call me, Timothy." I fussed, making her smile and blush, replying,

"I'm sorry, Timothy. I forget, besides. . .It's still an adjustment." 

"You're right, (Y/N). I'm sorry. I don't mean to snap. I just enjoy the way you say my name." I apologized, caressing her face and leaning towards her face. She leaned toward me as well and our lips connected, softly. 

One of her hands went to my hair and the other rested on my chest, gently. I laced my fingers through her hair and moved the chess board out of the way, pulling her closer to myself. 




Pulling away from her, I sighed and kissed her forehead, sitting down in the chair next to her bed. 

"Come in, doctor." I called, fixing my hair and (Y/N)'s face was a deep crimson, as she looked towards the doctor. 

"Good evening, Father. Sister, how are you feeling?" The doctor greeted us, then got to checking on (Y/N). I was fully healed, with the exception of one minor bruise on my cheek. (Y/N)'s injuries looked good to the naked eye, but I knew internally she was far worse off. Her healing was going to take at least two more weeks and I refused to leave her side, despite her concern about me going back to Briarcliff. 

"Well, Sister, you seem to be healing well and Father that bruise is the only thing that hasn't healed for you yet. You should be able to go home in three weeks, as long as Sister (Y/N)'s healing stays on track." The doctor informed us, writing some things on his clipboard and leaving us alone. Sitting on the edge of her bed, again, I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and sighed,

"I'm glad you're getting better, (Y/N)."

"Timothy, do you think God brought us together for a reason?" (Y/N) asked, looking away from me and her cheeks dusted pink. Placing a finger under her chin, I made her eyes meet mine and I smiled, replying,

"God always has a reason, my love." She smiled and I pressed a firm kiss against her mouth, to which she returned happily. Lacing her fingers through my hair, I felt relief knowing she was beginning to feel better and before we pulled away, the door opened. Someone came into our room and a voice interrupted our moment,

"Monsignor, I-" 

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