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We had been driving for many hours and (Y/N)'s head was resting on the window, she was asleep. Her soft breathing making me tired and sighing, I looked for a hotel with vacancy. Coming upon one, I parked and looked over at (Y/N), tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Hm?" She hummed, stirring and I looked at her, meeting her tired eyes.

"I'll get us two rooms for the night." I told her, keeping eye contact with her and at her realization of our closeness, she shrank away from my touch.

"Sorry, Timothy. I...Go on in. I'll be right behind you." She whispered, her (e/c) orbs looking into my eyes and then looking away from me, she opened her car door. Nodding, I went into the hotel and at the front desk, a woman greeted me,

"Good evening, Father."

"Good evening, my daughter. I need two rooms for the night."

"Well, I only have one available room unfortunately."

Pausing, I glanced out to (Y/N) and she looked too tired to get back on the road. As well as, feeling my own exhaustion and inability to get back on the road, I sighed,

"I'll take what I can get. How much?"

"$30 for the rest of the night." She replied, reaching for the key and I pulled out some cash, handing it to her. Going back out to (Y/N), I ran a hand through my hair and started,

"So, they've only got one room for the night."

"Oh, well we can keep going."

"No, we'll stay the night and then move along in the morning. I don't think I could get back on the road, honestly. You can take the bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

She looked up at me and something came over me, making me caress her cheek. Her eyes widened and she backed away from my hand, attempting to keep an acceptable distance between us. Sighing, I grabbed our bags and started towards the hotel room.

Going into the room, it was small but cozy enough for the night and in my exhaustion, I didn't notice that we were being watched.

Closing the door behind us, I yawned and (Y/N) stretched, looking around the room. The bed was a queen and the couch looked uncomfortable to say the least. (Y/N) sighed and started,

"Monsignor, you can take the bed. I don't mind-"

"I would never make a lady lay upon such a surface." I interrupted her, placing our bags down and rubbing my temple, in thought. Sighing, I looked at her and muttered,

"It can't be helped."

"Hm?" (Y/N) hummed, tilting her head to the side and waiting for my decision.

"We can just share the bed. It's just for one night and we can stay to our own sides." I told her, watching her face turn bright red and she stuttered,

"T-Timothy, we don't-"

"I told you (Y/N), you aren't laying on that couch. It isn't happening."

"...Okay." She finally gave in and pulled out a night gown from her suitcase, her face tinted pink. She disappeared into the bathroom and I changed while she was in there, sitting down on the bed. Hearing he come out of the bathroom, I kept my head turned and when I felt the weight shift in the bed, I got up to turn out the lights. Getting under the covers with her, I turned my back to her and could feel the heat in my face, as I said,

"Good night, (Y/N)."

"Good night." She replied, but I didn't fall asleep until I could feel her soft breathing and when she fell asleep, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Timothy's Dream

I was walking with (Y/N) down the halls of Briarcliff and she wan't in her habit, but a dress that stopped at her mid-thigh. My eyes wandered down her legs and back up again.

"See something you like?" She asked, giggling and when we got to my office, I closed and locked the door. I pressed her against the wall and she huffed, our lips locking in a heated kiss. I pushed my tongue past her lips and our tongues wrapped around each other, fighting for dominance. The next thing I knew, she was on my desk and I was standing between her legs, my hands pushed her dress up to her waist. Exposing her lower half to me, I huffed and she moaned, softly.

Kissing her again, I felt a new sensation come over me and when I rubbed my hips against her own, there was a wave of pure pleasure.

"Ha~" (Y/N) wrapped her legs around my waist and laid back onto my desk, untucking my shirt.

Dream End

Sitting up, I was panting and I noticed that (Y/N) was still asleep, breathing softly. Covering my face with my hand, I slowed my breathing and looked outside, the sun was coming up. Then looking at the time, it was almost 7:00. Deciding to get up, I got dressed and when I finished getting dressed, I woke (Y/N) up. She blinked tiredly at me and then blushed, remembering our situation. Images from my dream came back to me and I coughed, turning my back to her.

When she finished changing, she packed our bags and I went turn in our key, leaving her alone for moments. When I got back, (Y/N) was gone and our bags were still in the room, the door was open. Becoming alert, I looked around and saw a young man, approaching.

"Excuse me, son. Did you see-" Yet, the next thing I saw was darkness and I didn't know what was going on. The one thing I did know was, these people were the ones who took (Y/N) and I put her in danger by stopping here.

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