Sister Jude

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Reader's Point of View

The next day, I woke up at 6:30 AM, upon changing into my habit, there came a knock on my door. Pulling my hair back, I opened the door and walked away to put on my coif, as the Monsignor walked into my room saying,

"Good, you're awake. I feared that I may have woken you." 

"Not at all." I responded, putting my hands into my pockets and smiling at the young priest in front of me. 

"Shall I give you a tour? Sister Jude would like to meet you at 7:30. So, it gives us time to talk about our upcoming work venture." He informed me, walking out of the room and waiting by my door, as I took one last look around the room I'd be staying in for a long time. 

Following behind Timothy, I listened as he gave history of the old asylum and we ran into some of the other sisters. Before I knew it, it was 7:00 and I looked at my watch, interrupting him,

"I should get going, Monsignor." 

"Timothy..." He corrected, looking down at his watch and back up to my eyes, continuing,

"Very well then. I'll show you to her office. Come along, Sister." 

"(Y/N)..." I corrected him, making him smile and nod. Going upstairs, we spoke about our upcoming trip to Boston and he told me about a minister he was going to help, saying,

"God's work is magnificent. Yes? It brings us to people who need help."

"Yes." I replied, stopping in front of a wooden door and looking back at him, I looked into his eyes. There was something different in those eyes, this time, and it took my breath away. Tearing away from his gaze, I knocked on the door and a voice called, 

"Come in, Sister (F/N)." Opening the door, an older woman was sitting at a desk and her cold gaze met mine, making me freeze. Timothy walked in after me and her gaze moved to him, her posture softening. 

"Don't scare the girl, Sister Jude." He chastised her, going sit in one of the chairs and making the tension leave my body, slowly. 

"Please, (Y/N). Sit." He offered, looking back at me and making me sigh, moving to sit down next to him. Sister Jude looked at me and started, 

"Sister, you will be rooming by yourself and the Monsignor will have you as his personal helper at anytime he needs you. When you have free time, you're welcome to help in anyway you feel you can." She looked up from my transfer and finished,

"You have an incredible record and I'm glad to welcome you to Briarcliff." Smiling, I nodded and Timothy looked over at me, saying,

"Let us discuss our trip, Sister." As I went to get up, I could feel Sister Jude's glare at my back and Timothy's hand on my lower back, made my face heat up. Leaving the room, we went to his office and he sighed, taking off his glasses.

"I must apologize about Sister Jude. She's not accustomed to change." 

"And very possessive of you..." 

"Don't be ridiculous. She's just wary of strangers." 

"Right. So, let's talk about this trip to Boston." 

"Well, we'll be leaving tonight." 

"Yes, Monsignor."

"Can you be ready by noon?"

"I can be ready in an hour."

"Good. You are free to go."

Timothy Howard's Point of View

Watching her walk out of my office, I felt a different type of feeling and tried to shake it. Taking off my glasses, I rubbed my temple and closed my eyes, (Y/N) becoming clear in my mind. She was wearing a light blue sun dress, tan heels, her hair was down, and she had light makeup on. She sun was on her skin and she was stunning, smiling at me. 

A knock yanked me away from that image of her and I opened my eyes, looking at my door. 

"Come in." I called, putting my glasses back on and Jude walked into the office, asking,

"You're leaving tonight?"

"Yes. Our calling has come sooner than we expected." I replied, packing my papers and standing up to grab my jacket, as she argued,

"Why can't I go with you to Boston? If Sister (Y/N) is so trusted, why can't she look after Briarcliff?"

"Because the church wants her to travel with me Jude. Who am I to question that?" I replied, the image of (Y/N) in a sun dress coming to the front of my mind and my heart yearning to see her, those soft eyes. Jude stayed quiet and she looked at the ground, sighing. Walking past her, I went to (Y/N)'s room and she stood there in her habit, her coif resting on her bed. 


"Oh! Timothy, forgive me!" 

"It's okay, we'll be on the road for several hours. We'll stop somewhere to change and get gas. No need to put that back on." 

Her eyes looked into mine and I turned away from her, walking out of her room. She followed after me and walked behind me, staying quiet. The soft click of her heels against the ground rang in my ears and I could only imagine the feeling of her skin, soft. 

As we got to the car, I turned to her abruptly and took her bags from her hands, our fingertips touching momentarily. Placing the bags into the trunk, I felt her presence and could hear her shuffling to put her hair up. Glancing back, I saw her trying to fix her coif and turning around, I grabbed her wrist. 

She looked at me, shocked, and I let her go, saying,

"Don't. Leave it down, please." Nodding, she held her coif in her hands and looked into my eyes, staying quiet. Opening the passenger side door, she got into the car and I got into the driver's side. 

As we drove off, (Y/N) pulled her hair down and I could see out of the corner of my eye, her (h/c) (h/l) hair fall.

Simply stunning.

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