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"You still never told me where we're going." I teased, looking over to Timothy and he chuckled, replying,

"That was intentional. I want it to be a surprise." Rolling my eyes, I looked back out of the window and watched the countryside pass by. It was only then that I realized how far out of town we had driven. Glancing back, I realized that houses were becoming less frequent and I looked back to Timothy, noticing his little smirk. 

"You've something planned, don't you?" 

"I always do." 

Giggling, I shook my head and he reached over, intertwining our fingers. Squeezing his hand, I smiled and he glanced at me, briefly. When he looked back at the road, I admired him. He was so handsome. 

His eyes sparkled, his lips were soft, his cheekbones were narrow, and he had a sharp jawline. 

"You keep staring at me like that. . .I won't be able to control myself." Timothy growled, moving his hand to my thigh and making my face flush red. Looking away from him, I cleared my throat and he chuckled, turning his attention back to the road. 

About ten minutes later, we pulled into a driveway surrounded by trees and I sat up, looking around. When we got to the house, I felt my heart rate increase and Timothy parked the car, starting,

"I started looking when we started talking about leaving the church. I know I didn't talk with you about it, but- Oh!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, cutting him off and shocking him a little bit. Pulling away from him, he smiled at me and caressed my face, whispering,

"Do you like it?" 

"I love it." I replied, pulling away from him and hurrying him out of the car. When we we in front of the door, Timothy pulled the key out and said,

"A new chapter of our lives. Are you ready, M'Lady?" Giggling, I bit my bottom lip and held his free hand, replying,

"I'm more than ready." Unlocking the door, he revealed a big living room and the way he watched for my reaction was cute. He showed me around and waited for my reaction after every room. 

"And this is the master bedroom." He concluded, opening the last door and looking at me. Walking over to the bed, I ran my hand over the comforter and smiled, as he asked,

"You like it?"

"Yes." I replied, motioning him over and waiting for him to come sit next to me. When he sat down, he slid his hand into mine and waited for me to start talking,

". . .I love this. I can't believe you were able to keep it from me."


"No, buts. Just straight forward. I love this and I'm excited for our new life together. I love you."

"I love you too."

He leaned towards me and pressed a soft kiss to my mouth, longingly. 

Timothy's Point of View

About a year later, we were sitting at home and (Y/N) was in the kitchen, cooking dinner. I was reading the paper and I got bored, quickly. Walking into the kitchen, I admired (Y/N) from the doorway and listened to her humming, while cooking. 

Walking up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and she jumped, making me laugh. 

"Jesus, Timothy!" (Y/N) fussed, turning around in my arms and glaring at me, playfully. Smiling down at her, I kissed her forehead and she smiled, as I replied,

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself. What's for dinner?"

"Roast beef." She replied, turning back to the stove and checking on the meat. Moving her hair away from her neck, I pressed a kiss to the back of her neck ands tensed, making me smile against her skin. 

"Maybe I can have a serving of something else before dinner~" I teased, my hands sliding down her stomach and she grabbed my hands, replying,

"Timothy. . .The roast will burn if you start." 

Chuckling, I kissed the side of her neck and asking,

"Fine, then. Marry me?"


". . ."

"Timothy, you have always been bad at timing things." 

"Nothing bad about it. I love you. . .And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

". . .I love you too."

"So, marry me."

". . .Okay. Let's get married, my love." 

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now