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"You have no idea what you've just done."

Panting, I glared at John and he pulled out a knife, holding it to my face.

"Monsignor! Please, Charles, You said it yourself. You have no need for him, ple-"


His hand contacted (Y/N)'s face and I leaned forward, making the knife dig into my face. Glaring at John, he chuckled and turned to (Y/N), pulling her dress up to her hips.

"What are y-"

"Punishing you. Hurting you won't do anything. But your dear little sister? Oh. Won't that hurt?"

He pushed the knife into her thigh and she bit her tongue, keeping herself quiet. John dragged the knife to her inner-thigh and pushed it deeper, growling,

"If you stay quiet, I will gut you like a fish. Let the good Father hear what he's doing to you."

"He isn't the one stabbing me."

"If he would've behaved. You wouldn't be getting stabbed."

"Go to hell."

He chuckled and pulled it out of her thigh, roughly. Next, his foot contacted her face and she coughed.

"JOHN! ENOUGH! YOU WANT TO PUNISH ME, DON'T USE HER!" I shouted, making him laugh and reply,

"But this is the ultimate punishment for you."


"But you did~"



John nodded at Charles and he came over to me, beating me. I could feel my collar bone breaking and (Y/N) whimpered, but I couldn't hear after a moment.

I could feel Charles beating me and see (Y/N)'s protests, but hearing her. I couldn't hear the voice that made me feel...different. When he was hitting me, his fist contacted my ear and I felt something pop.

'I can't hear...I...can't...hear...Is this my punishment for having sinful thoughts, Lord? I won't be able to hear her anymore. I won't be able to save her. Is this my true punishment, Lord?'

I could feel myself loosing consiousness. Trying to fight it, I looked at (Y/N) and she said something. Loosing sight of her, I felt hope leave me and I felt punished.

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now