Decision (Lemon)

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A/N: This is going to be a longer chapter. Some people have private messaged me asking for one. So, here you are. There will also be a lemon in this part, don't worry it isn't like immediate. Time will pass, before they do the do. Jeez I'm lame XD Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know about the longer chapter. I hope you enjoy. ~Megan


When we got to the asylum, (Y/N) had her habit on and she was acting much more reserved with me, making my heart ache. Before we got out of the car, I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and she looked over at me, brow raised in silent question. Pausing, I admired her pristine face and looking around, I made sure no one was outside or watching. Kissing her knuckles, I made her freeze and look around, as I started,

"I already looked. (Y/N)?" She sighed and cupped my face, asking,

"What is it, Timothy?"

"Meet me in my office tonight, eleven thirty."

"Okay. For how long?"

"An hour or so." 


We got out of the car and (Y/N) fixed her habit, making sure she looked together. I kept my eyes off of her and buttoned my coat, going grab our bags. Handing her her own bag, I walked past her and into Briarcliff, without a second word. (Y/N) walked behind me and when we got inside, Jude greeted us,

"Welcome back. How was your drive?"

"Utterly boring and too long." I replied, frowning and Jude looked between us, hesitating. Looking at my watch, I huffed and interrupted Jude,

"I'm going to my office. Lord knowns how much work I have to do and I need to rest."

"Oh. . .Okay, Timothy. If you need-"


(Y/N) looked up at me and we made eye contact, as she replied,

"Yes, Monsignor?" 

"Get some rest. You still aren't fully healed and we don't need our newest member of staff getting injured any more than she already is." 

"Yes, Monsignor." She replied, bowing her head a little and breaking our eye contact, letting her eyes fall to the ground. Jude narrowed her eyes at us and she huffed, unhappily. As I walked away, I heard them talking and (Y/N) voice seemed calmer than I expected, making me worry a little.

Reader's Point of View

"Sister (Y/N), after you put all your stuff away, I'd like to talk with you in my office." Jude requested, but we both knew it wasn't a request and I met her eyes, sighing,

"Can it wait, Sister Jude? I had a very long trip and I really do need some rest. I also want to check on my scars, making sure they're healing correctly and all." Her gaze was harsh and she frowned, snapping,

"It wasn't a request, (Y/N)." Raising a brow, I tilted my head and rubbed the back of my neck, replying,

"Sister Jude, if I agree to you grilling me and yelling at me about this. Can I please go lay down? My chest hurts and I'm getting the beginnings of a headache." 

"Your chest hurts?"

"When I was in the hospital, I coded and they had to shock me back to life. It leaves burns and hurts for awhile." 

". . ."

"So, shall we go?"

"Sister, it can wait until tomorrow."

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