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Time Skip to Three Hours Later

Opening my eyes, I noticed I was in a dimly lit room and I was tied to a chair, tightly. Tugging on the binding, I growled at the discomfort the rope caused and felt the skin at my wrists rub, uncomfortably. I was gagged by a rag and I looked around, trying to find (Y/N).

"No! STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I heard (Y/N)'s voice scream, making tension fill my entire being and I tugged on the ropes, trying to yell for her.

"Your little sister has quite the resilience. Big Brother has been playing with her for an hour and a half. This is the first time she's made a sound." A small, meek, male voice said from behind me and I huffed, struggling against my bindings. Footsteps filled my ears and in the background I could hear (Y/N)'s muffled screams, making a deep sense of guilt fill me.

'This is my fault. We could have made it to Boston had we kept going. God forgive me for doing this to us.' I thought to myself, as the young man came into my line of sight and knelt in front of me. He had striking blue eyes, shaggy black hair, was lean, and thin. His skin complexion was fair and he looked at me as though this were a joke.

"Hello there, Father. How're you feeling? I'm sure you're very confused. Maybe have a bit of a headache?" He started, the tone in his voice causing me to become increasingly more angry and I flinched hearing (Y/N),


"Is that you? Father Timothy?" He asked, chucking and taking the gag out of my mouth. Panting, I looked at him and asked, in a hoarse voice,

"What do you want with us?"

"What do we want with you? Oh we want nothing from you. Your little sister, however...She's interesting. The first Sister that has lasted this long. She is going to be fun to break."

"Leave her alone!" I growled, almost making my chair fall over and tugging at my ropes.

"Oh? Does the good Father have some forbidden feelings?"

"The good Father is trying to protect the woman he put in danger."

"Ha. Well, Father Timothy...You just happened to be in the way. Little Sister (Y/N) was our only target."

"How did you-"

"Why we heard you talking of course, Monsignor Timothy Howard. She looked so delicious. We couldn't just let the little Sister get away. But you...Ha...You are just collateral damage."


"Because the other women we broke so easily. A woman of the cloth has to have an iron resolve. Trying to break her will be so much easier...I wonder..." He stood up, leaving me alone and I sat back in the chair, trying to loosen the ropes. When the door opened again, I stopped and looked up, eyes becoming wide. (Y/N) was forced into a chair and brought in front of me, she looked like hell. Her face was bruised and bloody. She had evident cuts on her thighs and burn marks on her chest, her wrists were rubbed raw. Dried blood was on her legs and on her face.

"(Y/N)...Good Lord." I muttered, feeling tears fill my eyes and I glared at the two men in front of me. The other man that was with (Y/N) was larger and well built. He had short blond hair and dark brown eyes, bordering on black. Upon seeing me, (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she looked as though she would say something. Stopping upon seeing my face, she closed her eyes and looked away from me. I had gave her the signal to stay quiet and stay strong.

"So, John...What's this about?" The larger man asked, the thin boy and 'John' replied,

"Well, Charles. I think, he is our ticket to making her last longer."

"Hm. Fine, then. Let's get started."

Charles came in front of me and grabbed my by the hair, making me look up at him. Glaring at him, I stayed quiet and John grabbed (Y/N) by the throat, whispering,

"If you don't watch. We'll just kill him and get it over with." Her eyes opened and she watched as Charles let go of my face, bringing his knee to my face. Gasping, I felt the blood come out of my nose and I groaned, he kept up his relentless beating.

"Stop! He didn't do anything!" (Y/N) yelled, trying to fight against John's iron grip and I managed to choke out,

"It's fine, (Y/N)."

Finally when he got bored, he had broken at least one of my ribs and I was having difficulty breathing. Looking up at (Y/N), she was crying and Charles looked at John, who sighed,

"Fine, fine...We'll be back in awhile you guys. Don't get too bored while we're gone."

They tied (Y/N) up and left us alone, in the dimly lit room. After about ten minutes, I heard (Y/N) sniffle and looking up at her, she gasped.

"Oh, Timothy. I'm so sorry." She started, but I shook my head, replying,

"It's my fault. We should've kept going like you said. Because I was distracted...You're at the mercy of the Devil. They didn't-"

"No, not yet at least. They...They...Oh, Timothy. We're going to die."

"Not if I have anything to save about it (Y/N). They can pummel me all they want. Just stay strong. God will protect us. He has a plan. Trust in that. We will get out of here. I will ask God's forgiveness for what I have to do. I'll do anything to get us out. That I swear to you."

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