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"Monsignor, I-"

We looked over to the door and a male nurse was looking at us, his face a little red. Moving to the chair beside her bed, he looked between us and I raised a brow, asking,

"You need something, my child?" 

"Y-Yes. . .The other sister wishes to speak with you. Alone." 

"Tell, Sister Jude I'll be there in a moment." 

"Of course."

"Also. . ."

". . ."

"Let's keep this between us. Yes?" 

"Yes, Monsignor."

Leaving us, he closed the door and I looked over at (Y/N), she looked worried. Reaching over, I held her hand and she met my eyes, slowly. 

"(Y//N), don't worry. Our little secret will be just that. Now, I will be right back." I whispered, pressing a kiss to her knuckles and she relaxed, nodding. Standing up, I leaned towards her and pressed a kiss to her mouth, softly. Pulling away, I tucked a strand of hair behind her and walked away from her, going out into the hall. Jude was standing against the opposite wall and when she saw me, she stood up straight.

"Monsignor, how are you feeling?" She asked, wringing her fingers and looking very worried. Raising a brow at her, I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall next to (Y/N)'s room door, replying,

"I'm fine. Some superficial bruises, they'll be gone in a few days. Sister (Y/N) on the other hand-"

"Would she not dress so desirable, you two would've been fine."

"!! Jude, are you suggesting that this was (Y/N)'s fault?" 

"She's young and beautiful-"

"And those men were looking a a new target. Had I not stopped, this wouldn't have happened! Do not go around blaming the victims, Jude!" 

". . ."

". . ."

"Why are you protecting her?"

"Protecting her? You just suggested that this was her fault!" 

"And you're getting extremely upset."

". . .I was a victim of this too. She was injured worse than I was." 

"What are you hiding?"


"You have never acted this way before. What has she done to you?"

"She hasn't done anything."

"Timothy, has she corrupted you?"

"Jude, I saw the worst of humanity and I went through a test for some reason. She went through one too. . .And you think she's corrupted me?"

"We're keeping secrets from one another now. Trying to keep secrets from God?"

"I have no secrets from God. He knows all of my secrets and, trust me, I have not sinned."

". . .Timothy-"

"Go back to Briarcliff, Jude. We'll be back in a month."


"Do as I say!" 

". . .Yes, Monsignor." 

She hesitated, but when she turned around and left, I ran a hand through my hair. Going back into (Y/N)'s room, she looked up at me and smiled, but soon looked worried.

"What's wrong, Timothy?" She asked, motioning for me to sit on her bed and I did, replying,

"Jude just upset me is all."

". . . I could hear you two arguing." 

"(Y/N). . ."

"Thank you for defending me, but she's-"

"You better not say she's right, (Y/N). What we went through is a trauma. What you went through is a trauma. You are not responsible for their actions." 

". . ." 

We stayed quiet and I laced our fingers, making her relax a little. When our eyes met, she sighed and nodded, scooting over so that I could sit in bed with her. Moving in next to her, I pulled her close to my side and she cuddled into me, resting her head on my chest.

Time Skip to Three Weeks Later

(Y/N) was finally being discharged and when we got to the car, (Y/N) said,

"Timothy, we'll have to start being distant again. Being secretive."

"Not with him." I started, looking up and then letting my gaze fall back on her. She had on her usual uniform, apart from her habit, and she was blushing while looking away from me. Reaching over to her, I made her face me and lifted her chin, continuing,

"And not with each other. No secrets between those who matter." Her eyes softened and she nodded, making me smile."

"I love you." I confided for the second time since we started opening up to one another. (Y/N)'s face flushed and she leaned forward, resting her forehead against mine as she whispered,

"I love you too." 


"Oh shut up."

Smiling, I pressed a soft kiss to her mouth and she kissed back, happily. We didn't part until our lungs began to burn and when we did, she fussed,

"Air is a necessity." 

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get my fill of you now."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out." 

Little did we know how hard it would be to keep our secret at Briarcliff with Jude looming over our shoulders, mainly (Y/N)'s.

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now