Private Moments

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The harsh lights in my hospital room made waking up very harsh on my eyes. Flinching, I put a hand over my eyes and massaged the bridge of my nose, softly. 

"Ah. So, you are awake?" A smooth voice said, pulling me out of my daze and making me focus. Looking to my right, I saw Timothy sitting next to my bed with a look of relief on his face. Relaxing, I hummed and sat up, making him stand quickly. 

"Here. Let me help you." He gently helped me to sit up and his hands lingered on me, causing me to become flustered.

"Monsignor, I'm okay. Really. You should be resting too, you know." I lightly argued, making him smile and sit back in the chair, stiffly. 

"It's Timothy and I was so worried about you that I. . .I couldn't just fall asleep." 

Looking at the time, I noticed it was only a few hours after visiting hours ended and he followed my gaze, looking at the clock as well. 

Timothy's Point of View

Glancing at the clock, I noticed how late it was and I blushed at the idea of having (Y/N) to myself until the nurse took me away again. Looking back at her, she was looking out the window and before I could stop myself, I pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. Her gaze fell on me and she blushed, unconsciously nuzzling into my hand. 

"Timothy, I'm sorry things have to be complicated." She muttered, her eyes closing and staying closed for a few moments. Grabbing her chin, gently, I made her look at me and I replied,

"Nothing is complicated. Just two people that care for one another talking. That isn't complicated." Her expression softened and she hummed, leaning towards me. Resting my forehead against her own, I sighed and she asked,

"You care for me?"

"More than I should. God has brought us together. I'm having improper thoughts about you and I just-Mmph!" (Y/N) leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, silencing me. Kissing her back, I laced a hand through her hair and tried to get as close to her as possible. 



Pulling away from her, I sighed and her face was red, from embarrassment. 




"Come in." She called, her gaze staying on me and mine staying on her. The doctor came in and he sighed, 

"I see you're still not listening to the nurses, Monsignor." 

"I can't help it. I'm-"

"How about we move you both to a shared room?"


About thirty minutes later, we were in one room and I was sitting on (Y/N)'s bed, watching her fight off sleep. 

"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise."

"Okay." Going to lay in my own bed, I felt her grab my wrist and I turned to her, humming.

"Can. . ."


"Can you kiss me one more time?" 

"I'll kiss you as much as you want, in private moments like this." 

Lacing my fingers through her hair, I kissed her gently and she relaxed, caressing my cheek. When I pulled away, she smiled and I smiled back at her, whispering,

"Try to get some rest."

"I will. Promise me you will too?" 

"I promise." 

Watching her lay back, I laid in my own bed and she finally slipped into slip, breathing softly. 

'Private moments. . .Aren't really private. We still have God here, but I can't watch her disappear. This feeling I have for her. . .it can't be sinful.'

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now