Eternal Love (FINAL)

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Two years later, we were married and we had one child, (Child/Name). He/She had (Y/N)'s characteristics, physically. However, their personality resembled mine from what we could tell. 

Coming in from work, I closed the door and called,

"(Y/N), I'm home." Upon hearing nothing, I walked into the kitchen and no one was there. So, I went to (C/N)'s room and they were there either. Now, I was starting to panic and I could feel my heart start to race. Going into mine and (Y/N)'s room, I calmed down and sighed, softly,

"You scared me." (Y/N) turned to me and shushed me, by placing a finger to her lips. Smiling, I nodded and watched her tuck (C/N) in, looking tired. 

When we got outside our room, I pulled (Y/N) into a hug and she wrapped her arms around me, whispering,

"I spent an hour fighting with him/her to nap." 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to almost ruin your hard work." I replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and smiling. She rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head. 

"The church called today." She informed me, walking into the kitchen and I followed after her, asking,

"Did they?"

"Mhm. They want us to attend a dinner with the new Cardinal." 

"Do they, now?" 

"Yes. . .They want to talk about Briarcliff." 

". . ."

"I told them we'd get back to them."

(Y/N) was starting dinner and even the mention of Briarcliff made us both uncomfortable. When it got shut down, we were both relieved and for months the press has been trying to get our take on the asylum. 

(Y/N) is more than a little aggressive when it comes to protecting (C/N) and she want to keep him/her away from any mention of Briarcliff. For as long as she can at least. 

"(Y/N), we should go. They won't quit unless we do." I started, walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her waist, from behind. 

"From what I hear, Jude will be there. Along with Mother Superior." She told me, leaning back into me and relaxing under my touch. 

We often argued about if we should've reported what was happening at Briarcliff. However, not wanting to subject (C/N) to the consequences of that decision made us decide against it. 

"I'll call them back tomorrow." I mumbled, pressing a kiss to her neck and pulling away from her, to let her cook

Two weeks later, (Y/N) was giving a list to the babysitter and I interjected,

"We're going to be late, (Y/N). Sophia is going to be fine. You know our number if anything happens, yes?"

Sophia nodded and (Y/N) sighed, 

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. Okay, let's go."

When we got to the restaurant, (Y/N) slipped her hand into my own and we walked to the table, hand in hand. 

"Ah. Timothy, I was glad to hear your decision to join us." The old Cardinal greeted us, smiling and glancing at our intertwined hands. We were early, the new Cardinal hadn't arrived yet. However, Jude and Mother Superior were there and Jude was glaring daggers at (Y/N). Leaning over, I whispered,

"Sit on my left."

"In front of Jude?" 

"Maybe, you can make friends."

"You mean, you don't want her playing footsies with you." 

"Among other things."

(Y/N) giggled and nodded, agreeing with my request. Pulling out her chair, (Y/N) sat down and I pushed her in. Sitting next to her, I scooted in and Jude looked extremely unhappy. 

About ten minutes later, the new Cardinal came in and started,

"Hello, my children. I'm sorry that I'm a little late." He was a man about my age and very lean, blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"You must be Timothy Howard and (Y/N) Howard." He guessed, locking eyes with me and I stood up, shaking his hand.

"Thank you for coming today."

"We are grateful  for the invitation." (Y/N) replied, intertwining our fingers and I sat back down, glancing at her. 

Throughout dinner; Jude was quiet, (Y/N) and I were getting questioned, and the Cardinal was inquiring about Briarcliff. However, one question caught me off guard and it was directed at Jude,

"Sister Jude, you've been glaring at (Y/N) all night long. Care to explain that one?" The new Cardinal questioned, catching everyone's attention and Jude's face turned red from the attention she was getting. 

"I. . .uh. . ."

My phone started ringing and (Y/N)'s face went from amused to worried in a matter of seconds. 

"I'm sorry. I have to take this."

"Timothy. . ." (Y/N) called, worry lacing her voice and I turned to her, trying to calm her down. Smiling, I kissed her forehead and walked away, answering,


"Hi, Mr. Howard. I just wanted to let you know, (C/N) has spiked a fever."

"We'll be right home." 

Hanging up, I walked back over to the table and started,

"(Y/N) and I have to go, unfortunately."

"What's happened?" Mother Superior asked, as (Y/N) got up and I finished,

"Our child has a fever, I think we should get home."

"One more question for the both of you." The Cardinal requested and we paused, waiting on him,

". . ."

"How much do you to love one another?"

Looking at (Y/N), I smiled and replied with (Y/N),



The Cardinal nodded and  we left, to check on (C/N).

The End

A/N: So, I obviously veered from the show. However, I had to. I hope everyone enjoyed this story. 

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