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I didn't know how long it had been since we had been there. (Y/N) wasn't in the room with me anymore and my hearing was fuzzy. John came in every night to speak with me and the fact that I couldn't hear his taunts didn't help me. At first my lack of response angered him...Then, his realization that I couldn't hear gave him great joy. 

I was alone now, trying to work my hands free and the way the ropes rubbed my wrists raw made them loose. Finally getting my hands free, I untied my feet and stood up, on unstable legs. Falling to my knees, I grunted and called out, softly,


No response.

'I have to find her.' I thought, pulling myself to my feet and stumbling to the table closest to the door. Panting, I leaned against the table and took note of a knife on the table. Putting it in my pocket, I opened the door and faintly heard laughing down the hall. Leaning against the wall, I huffed and tried to keep the noises down. 

"She is getting . . . It's time to . . . They're . . . "

'I can't hear anything. I need to find (Y/N) and get us out of here.'

Limping down the hall, I looked through the window on a door and saw John with Charlie, staring at a screen. Moving past the room, I looked in the next room and saw (Y/N). Bruised and beaten. She looked worse. Opening the door, quietly. I shut it and (Y/N) stiffened, but looked up, whispering,

"Timothy?" Putting a finger to my lips, I told her to stay quiet and moved around to free her. Cutting her free, I helped her to stand and she said something that I couldn't hear. She looked at my face and I read her lips,

"My God."

Supporting her, I walked closer to the door and Charlie opened the door, calling for John. The black haired man appeared and a wicked grin appeared on his face. He was speaking, but I didn't know what he said. When Charlie tried to take (Y/N) from my grasp, I stuck the knife in his neck and pulled it out to ram it into his chest, three times. 

John looked shocked by this and he stood back, but the flashing of red and blue made him panic. A rush of anger went over him and he pulled (Y/N) from me, saying,

"I'll kill her. Come on, sister. Time to go."

Tears went down her face and I dropped the knife, upon seeing movement behind him. An officer pulled him away from (Y/N) and she ran to me, helping me to stay standing. Two medics came in and one tended to me, while the other urged (Y/N) to part from me to tend to herself. Taking us out of the warehouse, we went to two separate ambulances and I read the medic's lips,

"Can you hear me?" Shaking my head, I looked around and asked,

"Where is Sister (Y/N)?"

"She's in another ambulance. We're going to the hospital."

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fester, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46: 1-3"

"Amen, Monsignor."

"Amen indeed."

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now