Passing Notes

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Waking up, I groaned as the bright light hit my face and my eyes adjusted to the light. My hearing was still bad and I couldn't place any sounds that were trying to reach my ears. Looking around, I saw that I was in a hospital room and that things around me were pure white. Calling for the nurse, I sat up in my bed and the nurse came in, starting,

"I see you're awake, Monsignor." Nodding, I coughed and she asked,

"Can you hear?"

"Not very well, no."

"So, you're reading my lips?" 

Nodding, I winced at the tightness in my chest and remembered that I hadn't seen (Y/N) since we got separated. 

"Where's Sister (Y/N)?" I asked, frantically and the nurse came up to my bedside, trying to calm me,

"She's in the next room over. She's fine."

"Can I see her?"

"You can't move from here until tomorrow, at the earliest. She can't move from her bed for another week at the earliest." 

"How long have we been here?"

"A few days. You were beaten pretty severely. She was worse off, but worried solely about you."

"Is she awake?"


"Give her a message for me?"

"Sure, but only with the promise that you'll try to rest."

"I will. Can I have something to write on and with?"

"Of course, Monsignor." 

With that, I was left alone for a few minutes and my thoughts began wandering to (Y/N). Her beauty and kindness. Her gentle touch and caring eyes. The way she looked at me and how I saw her. 

'God, are you sending me a message through this? Is she my form of love? Is her purity meant for me? I need a sign, Lord. The thought of my vows brings me great regret when it comes to how I feel for her.'

The nurse came back and handed my a notebook, with a pen. Writing (Y/N) a message, I torn the page from the notebook and folded it, handing it to the nurse. 

"Thank you." I said, putting the notebook on the table next to my bed and leaning back, trying to get some sleep.

Reader's Point of View

Looking out the window, I frowned and thought of Timothy, feeling anxious.

'Is he okay? Has he woken up yet? How badly was he hurt? Where is he?'

A knock on my door, pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at the door, calling,

"Come in." A nurse came in and asked,

"How are you feeling, Sister?" 

"I'm okay. I feel sore still and I know I'm worse than I feel. But it could be worse." The nurse sighed and nodded, replying,

"It could be, but you are worse than you know. I have a message for you from the Monsignor." Feeling myself jump up, I sat up and asked,


"Yes, here you are. Let me bring you back a pen and some more water." The door closed behind her and I opened the piece of paper, seeing Timothy's neat hand writing. It read;

'To wake up and not know where you are was one of the most difficult things, I had to go through for however long we were taken for. So, when I woke up today and found God had saved us, I was grateful. But I still didn't know where you were. Knowing we're only separated by a wall brings me great peace of mind. I may be able to get up and come see you tomorrow. I'm going to try, even if they protest. I'll see you soon, rest well. ~Timothy Howard'

Smiling, I waited on the nurse to come back and when she did, I wrote Timothy back, handing the paper to the nurse.

Timothy's Point of View

A few hours later, I was waiting on lunch and when the same nurse from earlier came in with my tray, she had a message from (Y/N). Leaving me to eat, I opened the note and saw (Y/N)'s elegant handwriting.

'I didn't know you were in the next room over. I'm glad you're okay. They wouldn't tell me how you were, only that I was worse off than you were. Wanted me to worry about my own recovery, but I had to know. I was really worried about you and I prayed that you were okay. I can't leave my room for at least another week. I hope they let you come visit me tomorrow. I can't wait to see you. ~ (Y/N)'

Smiling to myself, I wrote her back and ate my lunch, waiting on the nurse to come back. Grabbing the notebook, I began to sketch a picture of (Y/N) and a part of me wondered why. She was of the cloth, like me. 

'What is going on with me? This isn't-'

"Monsignor, done with lunch?" The nurse's voice tore me away from my thoughts and I looked up at her, nodding. I could hear her voice, faintly, and she smiled, saying,

"We've been putting a bonding agent in your ears, seems that it's working."

"A little."

"Well, good. Note for Sister (Y/N)?" 

"Ah. Yes."

Reader's Point of View

The nurse that brought me lunch, came back with a note from Timothy and took my tray. Opening the note, I read the short note,

'I can't really hear that well still. Other than that, I'm okay. Worried about you. But okay. The nurse seems to be getting annoyed with our note passing. Don't write me back. Just wait until I see you tomorrow. We have to talk about something too. So, sleep well. I'll talk to you tomorrow. ~Timothy' 

My heart clenched when I saw 'We have to talk'  and I bit my bottom lip, hoping that it wasn't anything bad. Frowning, I laid back and tried to rest some more, trying not to worry about what Timothy anted to talk about. 

'God help me if it is something bad.'

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now