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The next morning, I woke up and (Y/N) wasn't laying next to me, making me worry for a moment. When I sat up, she was packing her things and she was dressed in casual clothes. A sundress, black heels, light makeup, and her hair was down. Standing up, I wrapped my arms around her waist and she jumped, making me laugh.

"Why so jumpy?" I teased, pulling her back against my chest and resting my chin on her shoulder.

"I didn't know you were awake. Why were you being so quiet anyway?" She replied, turning in my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck. Smiling down at her, I locked eyes with her and tugged her closer to me, responding,

"I was just admiring the view." (Y/N) face turned red and I laughed, letting her go to start getting myself packed.

Reader's Point of View

About an hour later, we were done packing and I was just waiting on Timothy to get off the phone, setting up a meeting. A knock on his office door caught my attention and I looked at him, raising a brow. He shrugged and nodded at me, continuing his conversation.

Opening the door, I jumped a little and met the cold calculating gaze of Sister Jude.

"Sister (Y/N), it's improper to be out of you habit. Especially in front of the Monsignor." She fussed, pushing past me and going into the office. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and Timothy looked up at her, greeting her,

"Ah. Sister Jude, I was about to send (Y/N) out to find you. Let me finish this call. (Y/N), my love, go prepare our stuff. Please."

Smiling at him, I nodded and as I went to leave, he called,

"(Y/N)." Looking over my shoulder, I raised a brow and he motioned me over, making me confused. Going over to him, I tilted my head and he nodded down, meaning he wanted me at his height. Doing as he requested, I was face to face with him and he pressed a soft kiss to my mouth, shocking me. However, I trusted him and I kissed back before he pulled away, whispering,

"You can go now." Nodding, I looked over to Jude and she was fuming, if glares could kill I'd be dead. Pulling my gaze away from her, I walked into our room and moved around our suitcases, making them easier to just grab.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Was Jude's first question, her volume making me jump and hold a hand to my chest. Timothy sighed and looked over at me, mouthing,

'I guess, I can't finish this call.'

Giggling, I shrugged and he put a finger up to try to finish his call, but she grabbed the phone out of his hand.

"I want an answer, now! From both of you!" She growled, slamming the phone onto the receiver and glaring at both of us.

"(Y/N), please come out here." Timothy called, standing up and holding his hand out to me. Walking over to him, I grabbed his hand and he reeled me into his body, starting,

"We are leaving the church."


"God has a different calling for us. One that doesn't involve being celibate."

"You both-"

"We're in a relationship and we love each other very much."

"Slow down, Timothy."

He stopped and she looked between us, trying to form the right words. Finally, she sighed and looked at Timothy, starting,

"Monsignor, you can't be serious about this. After all your hard work. You'd give it up. For what? Sex? It isn't that good, trust me."

I felt the heat rush to my face and as I went to argue, Timothy deadpanned her,

"On the contrary Jude, it is that good. But sex isn't the only reason." He faced me and held both of my hands, continuing,

"God sent someone into my life. Someone that made me realize that I want a family, a legacy. Something more than me."

"This is more than yourself!" Jude cried, stomping her foot and pointing at the ground, for emphasis. Timothy sighed and looked back at her, wrapping an arm around my waist. Looking at the time, I leaned into him and whispered,

"It's time to go."

"You can't just leave!"

"Another father will be assigned here, Jude." Timothy responded, disappearing into the room and leaving us alone.

"This is all your fault! If you wouldn't have come here-"

"Contrary to your belief, Jude. I didn't ask to be sent here." I interrupted her seething, following after Timothy and grabbing the other two bags he couldn't carry. When we got back, she was red in the face and she stood in the door way, pleading,

"Please, Timothy. Think this over."

"We have for one whole year, we considered our possibilities." He replied, glaring and stopping, as he finished,

"I've had plenty of time. Now, get out of the way."


"It wasn't a request Jude."

". . ."

She stepped out of the way and we left, without another scene. After we got into the car, I rested my elbow on the armrest and sighed,

"She's so dramatic. Where will we go, now?"

"Oh, don't worry. I have a plan. Also, the church wishes us well and hopes we find our calling."

"So, that phone call?

"The Cardinal just wanted to speak with us, personally. To wish us farewell, I suppose."

Smiling, I nodded and he intertwined our fingers, saying,

"Let's begin our new life. Together."

"Together." I confirmed, nodding and squeezing his hand, lightly.

God Or Love (Monsignor Timothy Howard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now