Chapter 1 ~ Home

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Aphmau's POV

I finish up cleaning some of the shelves in the house. I had nothing to do since Aaron left to finish a few things at the Maid Cafe. We were thinking about getting a job elsewhere, because it doesn't really pay that well. We barely had enough money to pay for our electric bill one month.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a pop tart and went to sit on the couch and turned on the tv.

I watched a random show off Netflix for awhile until Aaron got home.


"Hey babe." I hear Aaron say, he wraps his arms around me from around the back of the couch and kisses the top of my head.

"Hey.." I pause the show and turn towards Aaron. He takes off his jacket and places it on the coat rack.

"What's up?" He says, and takes a seat next to me.

"Nothing much... I just cleaned some of the shelves..." I leaned up against his chest and he leaned into the arm of the couch. "What happened at the cafe?"

"I just organized some plates and silverware we got today... Nothing special... I really can't wait to get a different job.." He starts to stroke my hair, and I curl into his chest. My purple ears and tail pop out with a 'bling!' Sound. He stops for a moment, but continues.

"You make working at the maid cafe sound like it's the worse thing in the world."

"No, I... Mmm..." He pauses. "Well when you don't really like what you do for a job, then it's not really that fun.." His hand moves from my hair to my back.

"Ha.. That's why I haven't been there since we got back from starlight.." I look down at my ring on my finger. He then pulls me up closer to him and starts rubbing my back.

"Well, lucky you. At least one of us have to make money around here." I close my eyes relaxing to the sensation I feel on my back.

"Mmmmm...." I can't find any words to continue the conversation. I just relax as I fall asleep.


Eventually I woke up and Aaron had made dinner. I sat down and ate with him. Until I got a call.

"It's Katelyn.." I press the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I call into the phone

"Hey Aph! I was wondering if you would want to go out tonight? Like a girls day with Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda, Kim and I. Would you be down?" Katelyn said. There was a lot of noise in the background. They are probably getting ready to leave.

"Umm... Where are we going?" I ask.

"I don't know... Probably a bar or something." A bar?! I don't think I've ever been to a bar.. A bar is usually where people get drunk, right?

"Oh.. Uh, I'm not too sure about that Katelyn.." I say, nervously. I didn't really want to go. I don't want to run the risk of getting drunk and not able to drive home.

"C'mon, Aphmau! It'll be a way to relieve ourselves from all the stress lately! Kawaii~Chan doesn't drink so she'll be our driver for the way back!" I hear Lucinda call from the background.

I pull the phone away from my ear and look over at Aaron.

"You can go if you want. I'll be here.." He assures. Okay.. Now I feel a little better about going.

"Are you sure? I can stay if you want.."

"I'll be fine, if you really want to go I won't stop you." He smiles at me. And I return it.

"Okay, I'll go. But I'm not getting full on wasted..." I tell the girls through the phone.

"Yes! Alright, we'll be there in 10." Before I get a chance to respond they hang up.

"Okay then..." I put the phone down and turn my gaze back towards Aaron.

He's up washing our dishes. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"You're positive you'll be okay without me here?" I lay my head in his back.

"I'm sure.. Plus, you haven't hung out with them for awhile. I think it'll be a good time to catch up." He dried his hands and turns towards me.

"You do realize we're going to a bar, right? They're gonna force me, to at least have a few drinks.." I let go of him as he turns around.

"I know... I just thought you needed it." He shrugs.

"Alright, I'm gonna get ready. I'll see you later." I walk out to the living room and gather my things.

"Hey, you should hang out with the guys tonight at the bar too. They would keep you company while we do our own thing." I giggle some.

"We don't need both of us drunk tonight, that's for sure.." He gets lost in thought as I think about what to say next.

"I'm not gonna get super drunk. I'll just get a little tipsy and that's it! I promise." He shakes himself out of his thoughts and responds to me.

"Have you seen who you're going with? I don't think 'tipsy' is an option." He laughs, and I scoff.

"I won't let them. I'll be done when I say I'm done!" I sass.

"Alright, I'll be here helping you get up to bed when you get back." He says. I hear a car horn beep outside. That must be them.

"Alright, well, I'll see you later." I walk to Aaron and give him a kiss and walk out the door.

"Hey Aph!! Come on! Get in! We're missing the good music!!"

Great... They already sound like they're drunk...

"Don't worry Aphmau. They're not drunk, they are just really excited." Kawaii~Chan said, it's like she read my mind!



We arrive at the bar. I already hear loud music and yelling coming from inside.

This was a big mistake.

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