Chapter 10 ~ Colliding Skates

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"I can't believe they talked me into this..." I say, staring at myself in the mirror. "Can a pregnant woman even skate? I guess it's too early for me to be restricted from doing anything, but still.."

"Bark bark!" I look down at Celestia, who is looking up at me, wagging her tail.

Yes, I was talking to my dog.

I sigh at my thoughts, and continue to look at myself through the mirror. Luckily, Aaron was downstairs and I had the bedroom all to myself to get ready for today.

I lift up my shirt and turn to the side. No noticeable baby bump yet. That's good right? So no one will suspect anything.

"Hey, Aph? Are you okay in there?" I hear Aaron's voice coming from the other side of the door.

I quickly pull my shirt down. "Yeah! I'm fine! Just finishing up!"

"Okay, well, everyone said they wanted to eat lunch before we go skating... Is that okay with you?" He asked, his voice muffled behind the door.

"Yeah, of course! As long as we get food!" I say. And I hear him chuckle.

"Okay... Well, hurry up. We are planning to meet at 12 to talk about where we are going to eat!" He said, and I hear his footsteps walking away.

"Alright!" I say and quickly go into the bathroom and put on some make up and out my hair up. I also pull out some strands on the sides, and curl them, just to make it look descent.

I observe myself in the mirror one more time before heading out.

"Doesn't the place have food there? Why don't we eat there?" I say, and we hop in the car.

"Well, since it's a new place, they really don't have much. Besides some snacks." Aaron says, and he backs the car out and starts driving to where the GPS takes him.


We eventually stop at a Taco Bell and eat there. Then we head off to the skating rink.

"I think this is it..." Aaron said, pulling into the parking lot of a building I've never seen before.

"What is this place?" I ask, and start looking around to see if I spot anyone we knew. I then saw Katelyn's car and more cars pull up, full with our friends, that consisted of Katelyn, Travis, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, and Garroth. The rest were busy today.

"It's the rink! They got done building it last month, so it's brand new!" Katelyn said, and guided us inside.

We got tickets and the shoes, and like little kids, they ran to the rink. Garroth, Zane and Travis fell almost as soon as they got on, and Kawaii~Chan, Aaron and I were holding on to the side.

"Aw. Come on guys! How are you this bad?!" Katelyn said, as she skated right past us with ease. "Especially you Travis! I thought you said your mother was a co-owner of an ice skating rink?"

"Yeah. ICE SKATING not this type of skating..." He said, trying to get a good grip on the wall.

Everyone who fell started getting up and tried to get the hang of moving their feet with the skates.

I almost got it. Although I needed to stay by the wall just in case I started to fall. I began rolling slowly around, trying to find my balance. I looked up to see everyone gliding at their own paces. Katelyn, obviously outdoing is all. I couldn't find Aaron though... Odd..

I am caught off guard when my left skate collides with the back of my right one. I quickly reach out for any support on my sides. But I found none. I gasp as I'm about to hit the ground, until something wraps around me and stops me from falling any further. I look and spot Aaron holding me from behind and his non-occupied arm holding on the the wall.

"Oh, there you are.." I blush at the current position we are in.

"I was right behind you for awhile... I'm surprised you didn't notice." He smirked.

I roll my eyes and got my balance to stand up straight and guide myself to the wall.

"We can go take a break if you want. I don't mind." Aaron says, as he notices me out of breath.

"No, it's fine. I just saw my life flash before my eyes! I just need a little breather, then I'll be fine!" I say. He nods, and looks around. "You can go, I'm just gonna stay here for a minute."

"Nah, I'll stay here with you. You know... To make sure you don't fall again." He winks at me. I scoff.

"Whatever..." I push off the wall and start skating around again. "Besides... I need to show these people how it's done!" I point to the three guys who are still hanging on the wall for dear life.


"How come Aphmau learned how to do this so fast?!" Garroth complained, taking off his skates.

"Because, I wasn't hanging on the wall the whole time." I say. And they roll their eyes.

"Wweeeeee!!!" Kawaii~Chan squeals as she finishes riding her skates around the carpet. When she nears us she has nothing to stop herself. She tries to steer herself away, but when Zane is rolling towards us from the rink, he is greeted with Kawaii~Chan rolling full speed into him.

They land on the ground with thuds.

"Gah! I'm sooo sorry Zane!" Kawaii~Chan says, as she's still laying on top of Zane.

"Agh... It's okay..." They both try to get up several times. But with shoes with wheels on the bottom, it's kinda hard. Eventually, after watching them struggle for awhile, Aaron and Garroth helped them get up.

"Can I just get these dang things off me..?!" Zane said, clearly frustrated at the skates.

"Yeah, Yeah..." Garroth went to help his brother.

We all laugh and Katelyn points out something.

"Hey guys! Look!" She points and a flyer that's pinned on the wall next to the exit. "This place already has sponsors. It's sponsored by this scary maze thing not too far from here."

"Oh wow! Can we go?! Please?!" Kawaii~Chan begs, hanging on to Zane. He looks surprised at her, but doesn't fight it.

"I mean, if you all are down. It opens at 8. By that sea bunny farm." Katelyn says.

"Yeah. Let's go there! I'm up for some spooks!" Garroth says. We all agree with him.

"Alright. Then it's set! We'll meet there around 8!" She says and walks outside to her car. And everyone follows into their respective cars.

Aaron and I walk out also, then I see an all-to-familiar maroon colored car sitting, not too far away from ours. I look into the front windshield and can make out some of the features. He's a male with short, but shabby hair. As soon as I spot those features, he leans back further into his car. So I can't see him anymore.

I start to question why I'm seeing this guy around all the time.

Is it my imagination?

Am I just seeing things?

I shake off the thoughts and I hop into the car and we drive off to get ready for the rest of the night.

Though, the whole car ride consisted of me questioning if this guy is real. Or if he's just a figment of my imagination.

Who knows, maybe it's just a coincidence that he's around all the time.

Especially around nighttime...

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