Chapter 8 ~ Names

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I knock on Katelyn's front door.

Aaron went on a jog, so I texted Katelyn if I could come over. Now, here I am.

She opens the door soon after I knock and welcomes me in.

"So, why'd you want to come over? Do you have to tell me something...?" She says like she wants me to say something. And I know exactly what she wants me to say.

"Maybe..." I say. And she smiles.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Spill the beans girl!!" She scoots closer to me, waiting for me to answer.

I blush. And think about my next words carefully.

"Well... I... I took the tests..." I pause and she looks at me impatiently.

"And....?" She urges me to continue.

"And they both came back... Positive..." Katelyn's face lights up and she leans forward, quickly, and embraces me in a tight hug.

"Oh my Irene!! Aphmau, congratulations!! Ah! I'm so happy for you!" She squeezes me harder.

"Ah! Thanks Katelyn.. But, your squeezing me too tight..!"

"Oh, sorry!" She lets go. "Did you tell Aaron yet?"

"No, not yet. And I know I should but, it's a lot harder than it sounds... This is a big deal, Katelyn." I say.

"I understand. And I'll support anything you do!" She smiles, and I smile back.

"Thank you Katelyn." I hug her one more time.

"So, think of any baby names?"

"Katelyn! I just found out yesterday! I didn't even have time to think about any names." I nervously scratch the back of my head.

"Oh, well don't worry! I'll help you think of some!"

"Really? You already have names in mind?" I say, raising my eyebrow.

"Yep! I just thought of some names if I ever have a child of my own." She looks down and her eyes make their way to a picture of her and Travis.

I smile, "So you're planning to start a family?"

"W-What?!" Her eyes dart up at me. "Who said I was?!"

"Hahaha! Well, you looked at that picture of you and Travis, and I thought—" she stopped me before I could continue.

"So! Ugh... Aphmau you are annoying sometimes." She smiles and lightly shoves my shoulder.

"Haha! I know..."

"What about the baby names? We should start working on those!" Katelyn quickly changes the subject before it could get any more awkward.

"Ugh, fine. I'm gonna get the answers out of you eventually!" I say, still on that topic.

She just smiles and shakes her head.

"Okay, so, what about Sara, or... Rose?!" She looks up at me. "If its a girl."

I shrug. "Eh."

"Or... Julie," she pauses "What about Lucinda, or KC or—"

"As much as I love you guys, I don't think I'll name my baby girl any of those." I giggle.

"Okay, fine, fine. What about boy names, if it's a boy!" Katelyn said, and thinks for a bit. "What about Aaron Jr." she smirks at me.

"Oh no! I don't need two Aarons around the house!" She laughed, and I joined in.

"Okay... What about... Luke, Micheal, or Adrian..." She suggests.

"Mmm... I like Adrian." I say and she looks up at me.


"Yeah. But I'd have to talk with Aaron first.." I say, and smile just thinking about Aaron.

"Okay, we got the boy name. Now the girl." We both thought for a moment.

"I think I have one." I said, and Katelyn perked her head up to listen. "I was thinking, and I think Aaron would agree too... Alina."

(Aphmau thought of this name because of what happened in 'Her Wish')

"Alina... I like that. Aaron, Aphmau and Alina." She smiles at me. "It has a nice ring to it."

I giggle. "Yeah. Anyways, I have to go, Aaron should be back soon, and we were planning on going to dinner tonight." I stand up and brush myself off.

"Oh really? I am too! Where are you going?" She asks, standing up too.

"Probably Olive Garden." I shrug.

"Oh, I was going there too! Travis and I."

"Alright, maybe you can come with us. It wouldn't hurt... I'll ask Aaron." I say, and grab my thinks by the front door.

"What time are you guys leaving?"

"Probably around 5. I'll text you when we leave."

"Sounds good! We'll meet you there!" We say goodbye and I walk back home.

I make my way to the front door and open it. Aaron is already inside and feeding the dogs.

"Hey, where were you?" He asks as soon as he sees me.

"At Katelyn's." I put my things down and walk over to him.

"Ah, okay." He says as he pours Eli's bowl and sets it on the counter. And he jumps up to eat as the two dogs attack their food.

"I told Katelyn that we were going out for dinner. She said she was going too. Do you mind if they come with us?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "I don't mind."

"Yay! I gotta go get ready!" I start to run up the stairs.

"Wait! Aph! It's only 3 o'clock. We leave at 5!" He yells up to me.

"Yeah, but I have to shower, pick out clothes to wear and do makeup! And you know how long that takes me!" There is silence for a few seconds.

"You're right... Go ahead, babe."

I walk up to my room and get ready for tonight.

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