Chapter 30 ~ Happily Ever After...(?)

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*About a 5 month time jump*

"Do you think it looks good here.. or.." Aphmau adjust the position of the wreath over the fireplace, "— here?"

Aaron shrugged, "Up to your preference, baby. But I think it will look better in the middle. Maybe move that picture somewhere else?" The picture was just a cheap painting they found at a store and thought it would look nice above the fireplace.

"Hmmm... Alright." Aphmau moved the ladder she was on and moved the painting and replaced it with the wreath, "like that?" Aphmau said jumping off the ladder and stepping back with Aaron to view it.

The house was all decorated with Christmas decorations. The walls were lit up with lights, the living room was illuminated with the lights off the Christmas tree and the lights from around the tv.

"Yeah, everything looks great! You did a good job.." He puts his arm around her and brings her closer to him.

Their moment gets interrupted by a loud, squeaky yell coming from next to them. Their attention immediately goes to the source, then they see Alina throwing her crackers everywhere.

"Pfft... Alina! What do you think you're doing?!" Aphmau says, playfully as she goes to her, because how could they get mad at her? She's a baby!

They clean up the mess she made and Aphmau picked her up and held her.

"You don't like that chair, huh?" She wiped off the remainder of the food left on her daughters' face. In response, Alina stuck her tongue out.

She laughed and let Alina down, as she already got the basics of walking. But just in case, Aphmau watched her as she slowly made her way to the living room with her toys. She then felt two arms wrap around her waist.

"Everyone will be here soon... Do you think everything is done?"

"Yeah.." She turns around to face him, and wraps her arms around his neck, "I think so... Do you have the turkey in the oven?"

"Yep. It should be ready when everyone gets here."

"Perfect! Now we wait," She pushes up on her tippy-toes and gives him a peck on the lips, then leaves to tend to Alina. And he stands there, smiling.

Aphmau's POV

"Mija! Hello!!" My mom immediately engulfs me in a hug, "How have you been?"

"I've been good!" I say and return the hug.

I then welcome them in. Then, soon after everyone else started to show up.

"Hey Aphmau, Aaron!" Dante comes in, followed by Lucinda, Travis, Katelyn and their twins.

Katelyn puts them with Alina and right away, they start playing with the toys.

The tree quickly fills up with presents as everyone puts their gifts they got for everyone down.

After awhile, everyone we invited is here and we start to set the table. We get all the food out and ready. And Eric also puts out his strawberry puffs.

We get the kids and put them in their high chairs with some food, and we all claim a seat, passing around the bowls and plates filled with delicious food.

I overhear everyone complimenting the food and how it tastes and we share some other conversations too. I also look to see Alina babbling to the twins and they start laughing.

Hmm. I wonder what they're saying... Or if they're saying anything at all.

I turn to my attention back to the table and start eating.

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