Chapter 11 ~ A Night To Remember

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We pull into a parking lot that is outdoors, with a lot of people pulling in also. We find spots and get out and meet everyone.

We get some tickets. It actually turns out that there is other stuff to do here too. There's a 'haunted' hay ride where you shoot people dressed as zombies with paintball guns. which sounds awesome, if I do say. Then, there's a trail you walk through in the woods where they scare you as you walk through. Then last, the maze. You find your way through as you get scared by zombies.

It looks fun, honestly. But the 'get scared' part is not my forte.

"We should get the package to do everything here!" Katelyn suggested.

"Haha! Well, does this place have coffee? Because if it doesn't then I'll fall asleep in the maze!" I say.

"Umm.. Nope this place does not have coffee...: Kawaii~Chan says, looking around.

"Well! If you all want to do everything, then go ahead, but I'm not..."

"Aww! Come on Aph! Don't be such a party pooper..." Katelyn whines at me, but I don't give into it.

"Sorry, but I'm tired. Today has me exhausted! But I'll still do the maze, or whatever you all want to do first!" I say, and they nod and look over the prices.

"Lets do the trail! That looks like the cheapest thing on here." Garroth says, and he points to the title on the pamphlet.

"Okay. It's a deal then. We'll do that one. Lets go!" We nod and follow Katelyn to the register.


I gulp as we near the entrance. It's about 10 at night so the scenery definitely makes this a lot scarier-looking. I hear distant screaming, most likely from people being jump-scared.

"Next up!" One of the workers say, and our group walks up. I inch up closer and closer and see Aaron look back at me.

"Don't worry... I'll stay with you.. Besides, none of the people dressed up are allowed to touch anyone, so you'll be fine." He smiles at me and I smile back. He holds my hand and leads me into the small building. The good thing is that Aaron and I are behind everyone, so hopefully they will get jump-scared first, so then I won't get many!

We are about halfway through the building when I hear (I assume) Kawaii~Chan scream, along with the slight yelp of Katelyn. We walk further and I see a guy, dressed up going back into his hiding spot. But as I pass him he follows me with his eyes and smirks at me. I feel Aaron tug on my arm. Once I look up at him he his giving a cold glare to whatever was behind us. I turn back around and see a sketchy-looking man following behind us. he didn't look like someone dressed up in any zombie costume I'm aware of. Maybe just a customer that bought tickets just like us...

"Here.. Get in front of me." Aaron said and put me in front of him.

"B-But, I'm gonna get jump-scared!" I say, and push back a little.

"You'll be fine, I'm right behind you." I hear his voice gear a little away from me, signaling he was looking behind him. "This guy has a weird scent to him.. And I don't like it..."

"O-Okay.." I start walking to catch up with everyone else.

3rd Person POV

Up with the rest of the group, everyone is just as scared. And Poor Kawaii~Chan is up in the front, with Zane behind her, hugging the back of her shirt in fear, then Garroth is behind him. And Travis is in front of Katelyn, trying his best to be not-scared.

After awhile of no jump-scares, the group starts to get worried, until they come up on a dark area in the woods that has no light, except for the occasional red lanterns that light up only a small circle of land.

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